Auckland Regional RMO Units and Northern Regional Alliance (NRA)
Northern Regional Al iance (prior to 1 July 2022)
Prior to the establishment of Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora on 1 July 2022, the Northern
Regional Al iance was a shared services agency owned and operated by the four Northern Region
District Health Boards (Northland DHB, Waitematā DHB, Auckland DHB and Counties Manukau
The Northern Regional Al iance (NRA) was formed in 2013 following a merger of the Northern
Regional Training Hub (NoRTH) and the Northern District Shared Agency (NDSA).
The NRA undertook activities to support the DHBs in their implementation of Government health
policies and Ministerial priorities as directed by the Northern Region DHBs and approved by the
NRA Board.
It worked in conjunction with the four Northern DHBs to support the effective implementation of
policy directions and objectives. In particular, the NRA supported the four Northern DHBs where
there was benefit from working regionally to meet the Minister’s objectives, the goals that the DHBs
committed to in the Northern Region Health Plan and in DHB Annual Plans.
The Northern Regional Al iance had three key functional areas;
1. Workforce Development, Training and RMO Workforce Operations
2. Regional Health Services Planning, Co-ordination and Delivery
3. Corporate and Business Support
The RMO Workforce Operations portfolio included;
• RMO recruitment for the three Auckland metro DHBs
• Clinical training placements for Resident Medical Of icers (RMOs)
• Rostering and Daily Operations which included the after-hours bureau
• National Graduate Placement Contracts (ACE RMO and ACE Nursing)
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora (Health NZ)
On 1 July 2022, the Pae Ora Healthy Futures Act 2022 came into effect and the District Health
Boards were formally disestablished, with Health NZ assuming control of al hospitals and health
services. At that time the DHB system's functions and operations were assumed by Te Whatu Ora,
Te Aka Whai Ora, and the Health Ministry. In addition, Te Whatu Ora established four new regional
divisions to manage health services in the former 20 District Health Boards;
Northern: Northland, Waitematā, Auckland and Counties Manukau
Te Manawa Taki: Waikato, Lakes, Bay of Plenty, Tairāwhiti, Taranaki
Central: MidCentral, Whanganui, Capital & Coast/Hutt Valley, Hawke's Bay, Wairarapa
Te Waipounamu: Canterbury/West Coast, Nelson Marlborough, Southern, South
The disestablishment of the DHBs included shared service agencies owned and operated by the
DHBs. These agencies also transferred to Health NZ on 1 July 2022.
The NRA ceased operation on 30 June 2022 and as part of the restructure into Health NZ, the
RMO Workforce Operations portfolio moved to the People and Communications (P&C) function
under the National Resident Doctor Support Service (RDSS) reporting to the Head of HR Hospital
and Specialist Services.
RMO Workforce Operations (Auckland Region)
The RMO Workforce Operations Regional model (below) depicts how this is structured across the
three Auckland metro Districts. A high-level summary of key activities undertaken by each function
has also been provided.
The RMO workforce operations reports to a regional governance group on a monthly basis. This
governance group are responsible for setting the strategic direction, endorsing policy decisions (in
accordance with Health NZ delegation policy) and monitoring delivery of BAU activities as part of
the annual workplan. It comprises representatives from both Hospital and Specialist Services
(H&SS) and People and Communications (P&C) at each District as follows;
• Chief Medical Of icers
• Directors Human Resources – Operations
• Regional Training Committee Chair
• General Manager representatives
Terms and Conditions of Employment and Col ective Agreement Coverage
As Health NZ employees a number of roles within the RMO Workforce Operations team sit within
the coverage of the following national collective agreements with the Public Service Association.
Roles outside coverage of these collective agreements are employed on Individual Employment
Agreements (IEAs);
PSA National Health Administration Workers Collective Agreement
PSA Policy Advisory Knowledge and Specialist Workers Collective Agreement
Inlier / Outlier Services
RMO recruitment (including onboarding), ongoing work eligibility administration, allocation and
change management are administered at a regional level by RMO Workforce Operations.
Rostering and Daily Operations for some services are managed at the local level, these are called
outlier services because they have their own RMO support within the service that are responsible
for these activities. Inlier services at the District are overseen and managed by RMO Workforce
Operations, this includes the RMO Support Units which are located on site at the District.
This is not unique to the Auckland region, there are outlier services within each District that
oversee their own RMO administration, rather than this being managed by the RMO Unit.
Regional After-Hours Bureau
RMO Workforce Operations provides an after-hours regional service which is staffed by the RMO
Units as part of an after-hours on call roster. This operates between the hours of 1630 – 2230
hours Monday to Friday and 0630 – 2230 hours Saturdays and Sundays. Vacant shifts are handed
over to the After-Hours on call staff once the RMO Unit closes for the day and their role is to
continue to source cover. This team then hands over to the District Duty Managers where required
once their on-call shift ends.
The After-Hours bureau is not a Locum Bureau. RMOs wanting to register to locum across the
three Auckland metro Districts are directly engaged as casual employees, with the majority being
permanently employed within Health NZ, and picking up additional shifts at other Districts under
their casual employment agreement.
RMO Workforce Operations Regional Model
RMO Workforce Operations Key Functions
Recruitment & Al ocations Daily Operations
Rostering & Change
& Projects)
ACE Nursing
“Front Desk” of
Creation and
Advocacy and
management of
ER support to
Selection and
RMO rosters
Daily roster
(inlier services)
Coordination of
placements/Al ocations Leave
database user
Work eligibility
support and
compliance &
Staff training
Run reviews
Liaison with
Regional IR and
Operational HR
teams for RMO
RMO Bargaining
and Collective
Reporting and
Regional and
National projects