Health NZ and Ministry of Health Merge
Sam Malik made this Official Information request to Simeon Brown
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Sam Malik to read a recent response and update the status.
From: Sam Malik
Dear Simeon Brown,
1. Can I request any comms, advise etc. received by or sent from your office re re-merging Health NZ and Ministry of Health as it was before July 2022 when labour set all wrong priorities and wasted our taxpayers money so much that pushed our beautiful country into recession and health system in the deeper end.
2. The report is that before 2022, it was just the Ministry, DHBs and their supportive agencies i.e HWIP etc. however after so called merge its now the ministry and then Health NZ national then Regional then DHBs that still exists with minor alterations and obviously all have different management who have further support teams just adding more administrative staff than doctors and nurses which should have been the priority than trying to reduce wait time by national merge. If I live in the Wairarapa (with horrible wait times)- I would not go to Nelson or Auckland for surgery unless I am dying but would want Masterton to have more doctors and nurses because that’s what my community/whanau needs. All in all, even the new govt is wasting money on wrong priorities so and answer/ reply and further plans to avoid the current issues is requested under the OIA or correspondence.
Given a new and fast pace minister NZ’s got - Can I please request the above to be considered as a correspondence if under the OIA it’s a refusal under “info does not exist”.
Just an FYI - this may be shared on other media platforms so I request an answer without any unnecessary context.
Yours faithfully,
From: Simeon Brown (MIN)
Simeon Brown
Dear Samuel,
Thank you for your Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) request, received on 6th February 2025, in which you requested the following information:
- Can I request any comms, advise etc. received by or sent from your office re re-merging Health NZ and Ministry of Health as it was before July 2022 when labour set all wrong priorities and wasted our taxpayers money so much that pushed our beautiful country into recession and health system in the deeper end.
- The report is that before 2022, it was just the Ministry, DHBs and their supportive agencies i.e HWIP etc. however after so called merge its now the ministry and then Health NZ national then Regional then DHBs that still exists with minor alterations and obviously all have different management who have further support teams just adding more administrative staff than doctors and nurses which should have been the priority than trying to reduce wait time by national merge. If I live in the Wairarapa (with horrible wait times)- I would not go to Nelson or Auckland for surgery unless I am dying but would want Masterton to have more doctors and nurses because that’s what my community/whanau needs. All in all, even the new govt is wasting money on wrong priorities so and answer/ reply and further plans to avoid the current issues is requested under the OIA or correspondence.
Your request will be answered within the provisions of the Official Information Act.
Kind regards,
Georgia Carr
Private Secretary Administration | Office of Hon Simeon Brown MP
Member of Parliament for Pakuranga
Minister of Health | Minister for Auckland | Minister for State Owned Enterprises
Email: [email address] Website: www.Beehive,
Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
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From: Simeon Brown (MIN)
Simeon Brown
Good afternoon,
Please find the response to your request for information attached.
Yours sincerely
Office of Hon Simeon Brown
Minister of Health, Minister for State Owned Enterprises, Minister for
Email: [1][email address]
Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
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