Line Budgets for Completed Cycleway Projects

Harrison McEvoy made this Official Information request to Christchurch City Council

Currently waiting for a response from Christchurch City Council, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Harrison McEvoy

Tēnā koe Christchurch City Council,

I am requesting the final line budgets for the following completed projects.

- UniCycle Cycleway
- Northern Line Cycleway
- Heathcote Express Cycleway
- Quarrymans Trail Cycleway
- South Express Cycleway (City to Hornby section)
- Nor'West Arc Cycleway (Cashmere - Annex Road and Annex Road - Jellie Park sections)
- Southern Lights Cycleway (Tennyson Street section)
- Rapanui Shag Rock Cycleway

If the line budget is unavailable for a project, please break down the total costs for that project into the following categories

- Cycleway construction
- Water, Stormwater, and Sewage works
- Road resurfacing
- Traffic management
- External costs to other agencies
- Safety upgrades unrelated to the cycleway construction
- Land acquisition and easements
- Design and planning
- Signage and markings
- Lighting and Electrical
- Urban design and landscaping
- Bridges and structures
- Contingencies and project management
- Contamination investigation and remediation

Nāku iti nei, nā,

Harrison McEvoy

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Things to do with this request

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