We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are J please sign in and let everyone know.

Appliance cascade

J made this Official Information request to Fire and Emergency New Zealand

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for J to read a recent response and update the status.

From: J

Dear Fire and Emergency New Zealand,

I am a New Zealand Citizen.

Please provide:

1- A cascade list for new Type 3 MAN and Scania appliances, including those trialled.

2- A cascade list for the aerial appliance fleet.

3- Information to do with the build and role out of the already purchased but not completed MAN cab and chassis waiting to be built.

Yours faithfully,


Link to this

From: Official Information Requests
Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Tēnā koe J .  
We write to acknowledge receipt of your information request dated 29
January 2025. Our commitment is to provide a response to your request as
soon as possible, and no later than 20 working days after the day it was
received. If we are unable to meet this timeframe, we will inform you
promptly and provide details regarding any extension required. Should
clarification be necessary for your request, we may reach out to you for
additional information.
The information you have requested may contain the names and contact
details of our staff or volunteers. Please let us know whether you require
these names and contact details. We may need to consult our people before
deciding whether we can release this information, and this may take a bit
more time. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you do not
require their names and contact details.

Nāku noa, nā
Information Request Team


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Link to this

From: Official Information Requests
Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Attachment image001.png
17K Download

Tēnā koe J


Thank you for your request to Fire and Emergency New Zealand, made via the
FYI website on 29 January 2025. You have asked for the following


 1. A cascade list for new Type 3 MAN and Scania appliances, including
those trialled.


 2. A cascade list for the aerial appliance fleet.


 3. Information to do with the build and role out of the already purchased
but not completed MAN cab and chassis waiting to be built.


Section 12 of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) provides
that requests may only be made by: 


o a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident 


o a person who is in New Zealand 


o a body corporate that is either incorporated in New Zealand; or 


o a body corporate that has a place of business in New Zealand 


We are unable to confirm if you meet the eligibility criteria based on
your request. To help us with this, can you please provide a copy of any
of the following so we can determine your eligibility to make a request
under the OIA:


o a copy of your New Zealand passport


o a copy of your New Zealand driver’s licence; or 


o a copy of a recent utility bill (or other documentation addressed to
you) that evidences your residential address in New Zealand


Please navigate to our website to find our official information request
email address (we are unable to provide it here as the FYI website removes
email addresses automatically).


Ngā mihi,


Information Requests Team


[1]Description: Cato Server:WORK IN PROGRESS:FENZ:FENZ_Assets:FENZ
Logos:FENZ logos _Supplied to FENZ:FENZ Logos png:FENZ Logo_CMYK.png 

 E: [2][FENZ request email]

 W: [3]www.fireandemergency.nz

A: Fire and Emergency National Headquarters

     Level 7, 42-52 Willis Street, Wellington Central

     PO Box 2133, Wellington 6011



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From: J

Dear Official Information Requests,

I can confirm I am a New Zealand Citizen. Residing in Wainui, Auckland.

I do not require any staff names or contact details to be included.

Yours sincerely,


Link to this

From: Official Information Requests
Fire and Emergency New Zealand

Attachment image001.png
17K Download

Kia ora J


We refer to your recent request of 29 January 2025, to Fire and Emergency
New Zealand. In an email of 30 January 2025, we wrote to you asking for
you to provide evidence that you meet the eligibility requirements as
outlined in section 12 of the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). Thank
you for your reply on the same day, stating you are a New Zealand Citizen.


As outlined in the OIA, eligibility to request information requires that
the requester be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, a person in
New Zealand, or a corporate entity incorporated in New Zealand or with a
place of business here.


Unfortunately, you have declined to provide the evidence necessary to
establish your eligibility under these criteria. To consider your request
further, we kindly request that you provide the required evidence of
eligibility. Once this information is received, we will reassess your
request in accordance with the OIA.


As outlined on the Ombudsman’s website, agencies are allowed to ask you to
give them information so they can check you meet the eligibility
requirements of the OIA.


Should you wish to provide the requested information, please go to our
website where you will find our email address.


Ngā mihi,

Information Requests Team


[1]Description: Cato Server:WORK IN PROGRESS:FENZ:FENZ_Assets:FENZ
Logos:FENZ logos _Supplied to FENZ:FENZ Logos png:FENZ Logo_CMYK.png 

 E: [2][FENZ request email]

 W: [3]www.fireandemergency.nz

A: Fire and Emergency National Headquarters

     Level 7, 42-52 Willis Street, Wellington Central

     PO Box 2133, Wellington 6011




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Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are J please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Fire and Emergency New Zealand only: