We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Mark Grayson please sign in and let everyone know.

Mangere Mountain Grass Fire, 18 January 2025, F4130566

Mark Grayson made this Official Information request to Fire and Emergency New Zealand

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Mark Grayson to read a recent response and update the status.

From: Mark Grayson

Dear Fire and Emergency New Zealand,

As a New Zealand Citizen, I am requesting the following information under the Official Information Act:

- Incident Report for F4130566;

- Total number of 111 calls received by the Communications Centre;
- Total number of personnel who attended;
- Total number of Communications centre personnel who were on duty, broken down by centre;

- What Fire and Emergency resources attended this incident?
- What 'external' resources, agencies or contractors attended this incident?

- What 'coverage' was maintained by Fire and Emergency while resources attended this incident?
- Were any personnel called back or were trucks moved from other stations?

- What is the process for maintaining coverage for significant incidents which are resource heavy?
- What is the process for issuing Emergency Mobile Alerts? Does this require approval? Is there consideration around time of day, affected location and type of incident?
- What is the process for notifying Iwi, Hapu or the Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority about fires on their land?

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Grayson

Link to this

From: Official Information Requests
Fire and Emergency New Zealand

[1]Go to the OIA calculator


Tēnā koe Mark Grayson  
We write to acknowledge receipt of your information request dated 19
January 2025. Our commitment is to provide a response to your request as
soon as possible, and no later than 20 working days after the day it was
received. If we are unable to meet this timeframe, we will inform you
promptly and provide details regarding any extension required. Should
clarification be necessary for your request, we may reach out to you for
additional information.
The information you have requested may contain the names and contact
details of our staff or volunteers. Please let us know whether you require
these names and contact details. We may need to consult our people before
deciding whether we can release this information, and this may take a bit
more time. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you do not
require their names and contact details.
Please note that over the holiday period there is a three-week period
where the days are not counted as ‘working days’. This applies to Official
Information Act and Privacy Act requests and that period is 25 December
2024 to 15 January 2025, inclusive. That means the maximum time limit for
responding to requests made from 27 November 2024 may run into the new
year. The Ombudsman’s OIA calculator can show you the latest date for a

[2]Go to the OIA calculator

Nāku noa, nā
Information Request Team


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Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Mark Grayson please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Fire and Emergency New Zealand only: