Total Value of Electronic Transactions involving New Zealand

Mark Thomas made this Official Information request to Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

Currently waiting for a response from Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Mark Thomas

Dear Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment,

Please can you provide the actual total annual turnover passed electronically through New Zealand banking networks including credit card facilities and direct banking means for:

1/ Incoming money received into New Zealand.
2/ Money exported from New Zealand.
3/ Money exchanged between any two parties within New Zealand, split by personal and business transactions. (For example "Personal" would be transferring money from one personal account holder to another personal account holder. "Business" would be involving a business or non personal account as sender or receiver).
4/ Government and Council transactions separated out from the rest.

Where estimates are used please supply the estimation formula.

If possible:
4/ Total estimated cash transactions, ie withdrawals from cash machines or declared cash transactions.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Thomas

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