Threats towards Museum by zionist lobby group

Mohammed Khan made this Official Information request to Auckland Museum Trust Board

Currently waiting for a response from Auckland Museum Trust Board, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: Mohammed Khan

Dear Auckland Museum Trust Board,

I was intrigued to read an article on the website of the zionist lobby in New Zealand today that following the righteous apology by the Chief Executive of the War Memorial Museum for the unfortunate mistaken lighting of the museum with blue and white lights in support of the genocide of the Palestinian people, Deborah Hart's zionist lobby group had decided that if the War Memorial Museum would not support the genocide of Palestinians, Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorations must not be held there. Reportedly, she continues to try and browbeat the Board into supporting the zionist entity as it engages in the genocide of tens if not hundreds of thousands of innocent people across Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen in the past year alone.

I am seeking, in the original form, rather than summaries, all communications since 7 October 2023 between:
1) the Auckland Museum Trust Board, David Reeves and other Auckland War Memorial Museum staff
2) and zionist lobbyist Deborah Hart, and any other representatives of the so-called 'Holocaust Centre of New Zealand' such as Hart's PR representative Sheree Trotter.

Yours faithfully,
Mohammed Khan

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Things to do with this request

Auckland Museum Trust Board only: