Overseas travel

James made this Official Information request to Human Rights Commission

Currently waiting for a response from Human Rights Commission, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: James

Dear Human Rights Commission,

Under the OIA please provide the following relating to travel by Julia Whaipooti to Geneva.

Please provide the cost of all airfares and the airlines used and the class flown on her trip to Geneva, this should include all stopovers, if any.

Please provide the cost of accommodation and name of hotels. This should also show cost per night.

Please provide the full itinerary for Whaipooti‘s trip.

Please state if any additional personal days will be taken on Whaipootis’s trip.

Please provide the names and costs associated with any person that is travelling with Julia Whaipooti.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,


Link to this

From: Infoline

Tçnâ koe 


Thank you for contacting Te Kâhui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission. We
confirm we have received your email and will respond as soon as we can.
However, we receive a very high number of enquiries and it may take us
some weeks to respond to you. We thank you for your patience. 


In the meantime, you can find helpful information on our website, using
these links: 

[1]How the Commission helps 

[2]What you can complain about 

[3]What unlawful discrimination is 

[4]How our dispute resolution process works (please note we do not
investigate complaints)
[5]FAQs about discrimination and human rights  

[6]News updates from the Human Rights Commission 

[7]Subscribe to the Commission's monthly newsletter 


If you are in distress or just need to talk to someone, you can seek
support from the following: 

Call or text the free national helpline 1737 anytime for support from a
trained counsellor  

Call [8]Lifeline on 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP) 

Visit the Mental Health Foundation’s website [9]here for more advice and


Other agencies who can help: 

Free legal advice: [10]Community Law or [11]Citizens Advice Bureau (please
note the Commission does not provide legal advice) 

General employment issues: [12]Employment NZ  

Complaints about government agencies: [13]Office of the Ombudsman 

Complaints about a health or disability provider: [14]Health & Disability


Ngâ mihi, 


Human Rights Information and Support Services 

Te Kâhui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission 


Visible links
1. https://tikatangata.org.nz/about-us/how-...
2. https://tikatangata.org.nz/resources-and...
3. https://tikatangata.org.nz/human-rights-...
4. https://tikatangata.org.nz/resources-and...
5. https://tikatangata.org.nz/resources-and...
6. https://tikatangata.org.nz/news
7. https://tikatangata.org.nz/newsletter-si...
8. https://www.lifeline.org.nz/services/lif...
9. https://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/get-help...
10. https://communitylaw.org.nz/
11. https://www.cab.org.nz/
12. https://www.employment.govt.nz/resolving...
13. https://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/what...
14. https://www.hdc.org.nz/making-a-complaint/

Link to this

Things to do with this request

Human Rights Commission only: