LLB GPA info

S made this Official Information request to University of Auckland

Currently waiting for a response from University of Auckland, they must respond promptly and normally no later than (details and exceptions).

From: S

Dear University of Auckland,

1) Can you please provide the mean GPA of graduates of the LLB programme, broken down by year, from 2020-2023.

2) Can you please provide the upper quartile for GPAs of graduates of the LLB programme, broken down by year, from 2020-2023.

3) Can you please provide the LLB GPAs of the highest graduating student each year in the same period as (1) and (2). To protect the confidentiality of students, these GPAs do not need to be linked to a given year, or alternatively, can be given in a range.

For the avoidance of doubt, if some of this data is not available, please still provide the data that is available.

Yours faithfully,


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