Acts of violence by claimants against ACC employees in the work place

Sue made this Official Information request to Accident Compensation Corporation

Response to this request is delayed. By law, Accident Compensation Corporation should normally have responded promptly and by (details and exceptions)

From: Sue

Dear Accident Compensation Corporation,

There have been new reports of acts of harassment and violence against hospital staff, in the work place, by patients. However, I've found no articles of acts of harassment and violence against ACC staff, in the work place, by claimants. Thus, I am making a request for this information.

Request 1: Threats of violence and harassment by claimants

For each year, since 01/01/2014, I request the number of employees who have alleged to have been:
1) harassed or was threatened with an act of violence by a claimant;
2) harassed or was threatened with an act of violence by a claimant, which resulted in ACC and the employee seeking assistance from the police;
3) harassed or was threatened with an act of violence by a claimant, which resulted in the Courts issuing a restraining order against the claimant;
4) harassed or was threatened with an act of violence by a claimant, which resulted in a conviction of the claimant of an offence in either the District or High Court.

Request 2: Victim of physical violence (i.e., physical assault) by claimants

For each year, since 01/01/2014, I request the number of employees who have alleged to have been a:
1) victim of physical violence (i.e., physical assault) by claimants;
2) victim of physical violence (i.e., physical assault) by claimants, which resulted in ACC and the employee seeking assistance from the police;
3) victim of physical violence (i.e., physical assault) by claimants, which resulted in the Courts issuing a restraining order against the claimant;
4) victim of physical violence (i.e., physical assault) by claimants, which resulted in a conviction of the claimant of an offence in either the District or High Court.

For clarity, the employee must have been working at ACC in the capacity of their employment with ACC, when the alleged offence occurred. That is not about domestic violence, employee-to-employee harassment or violence, or harassment or violence that occurred while not at the work place (e.g., the bar or beach).

For the numbers in Requests 1 & 2, please provide the total numbers, and numbers based on gender.

Request 3: Safety measures

If the NZ Courts have upheld the allegations of ACC employees, that he employee had been found by the Courts to be harassed, threatened, or assaulted by a claimant while in the capacity of employment, please specify the changes that ACC put in place to prevent future harm. Please provide the reports that evaluated the success of those measures taken to prevent future harm.

To be clear, harassment and threats do not include persistent claimants who seek information, or who are disgruntled with ACC's treatment of them and express their frustration, anger, or other reasonable feelings, based on perceived service failures or breaches of rights.
Thank you for your time and assistance.


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From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Kia ora,

Thank you for contacting ACC’s Government Services inbox.

If your request falls within scope of the Official Information Act, we
will endeavour to respond as soon as possible, and no later than 20
working days after receipt of your request. If we are unable to respond
within the statutory timeframe, we will notify you of an extension.


The information you have requested may involve documents which contain the
names and contact details of individuals. Please let us know whether you
are seeking that information as part of your request. We may need to
consult before deciding whether we can release this information, and this
may take a bit more time. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that
you do not require it.


For more information about Official Information Act requests, please
visit: [1]Ombudsman New Zealand | Tari o te Kaitiaki Mana Tangata.

If your request relates to your claim, or you’d like more information
about lodging a claim, please contact ACC’s claims team at 0800 101 996
or [2][email address].

For personal information requests or privacy matters,
please visit [3]Request for personal information (

For general queries, please visit: [4]Contact us (



Ngâ mihi,

Government Services

PO Box 242 / Wellington 6011 / New Zealand / [5]

ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email
unless it is really necessary. Thank you.



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From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Attachment GOV 032738 Letter to requester.pdf
367K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Sue


Please see the attached letter regarding your Official Information Act


If you have any questions about the response you can contact us at this
[1]address, for all other matters please use our contact form
at: [2] alternatively give us a call
on 0800 101 996.


If you are having trouble viewing the PDF, please ensure you have the
latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download this freeware please
click [3]here. 


Ngâ mihi
Christopher Johnston (he/him)
Manager | OIA Services

* PO Box 242, Wellington 6011

ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email unless it
is really necessary. Thank you.

show quoted sections

Link to this

From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Attachment GOV 032738 Letter to requester.pdf
367K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Sue


Please see the attached letter regarding your Official Information Act


If you have any questions about the response you can contact us at this
[1]address, for all other matters please use our contact form
at: [2] alternatively give us a call
on 0800 101 996.


If you are having trouble viewing the PDF, please ensure you have the
latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download this freeware please
click [3]here. 


Ngâ mihi
Christopher Johnston (he/him)
Manager | OIA Services

* PO Box 242, Wellington 6011

ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email unless it
is really necessary. Thank you.

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From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Attachment GOV 032738 Extension letter.pdf
301K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Sue

Please find attached a letter extending the time limit for making a
decision on your requests.

If you have any questions about the response you can contact us at this
[1]address, for all other matters please use our contact form
at: [2] alternatively give us a call on 0800
101 996.

If you are having trouble viewing the PDF, please ensure you have the
latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download this freeware please
click [3]here. 


Ngâ mihi
Christopher Johnston (he/him)
Manager | OIA Services

* PO Box 242, Wellington 6011

ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email unless it
is really necessary. Thank you.

show quoted sections

Link to this

From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Attachment GOV 032738 Extension letter.pdf
301K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Sue

Please find attached a letter extending the time limit for making a
decision on your requests.

If you have any questions about the response you can contact us at this
[1]address, for all other matters please use our contact form
at: [2] alternatively give us a call on 0800
101 996.

If you are having trouble viewing the PDF, please ensure you have the
latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download this freeware please
click [3]here. 


Ngâ mihi
Christopher Johnston (he/him)
Manager | OIA Services

* PO Box 242, Wellington 6011

ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email unless it
is really necessary. Thank you.

show quoted sections

Link to this

From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Attachment GOV 032738 Follow up letter to requestor.pdf
254K Download View as HTML

Kia ora

Please find attached a letter in response to your below email.

If you have any questions about the response you can contact us at this
[1]address, for all other matters please use our contact form
at: [2] alternatively give us a call on 0800
101 996.

If you are having trouble viewing the PDF, please ensure you have the
latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download this freeware please
click [3]here. 


Ngā mihi
Christopher Johnston (he/him)
Manager | OIA Services

* PO Box 242, Wellington 6011

ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email unless it
is really necessary. Thank you.
------------------- Original Message

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Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[email address]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA



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attachments or disclose the contents to any other person."


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From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Attachment GOV 032738 Follow up letter to requestor.pdf
254K Download View as HTML

Kia ora

Please find attached a letter in response to your below email.

If you have any questions about the response you can contact us at this
[1]address, for all other matters please use our contact form
at: [2] alternatively give us a call on 0800
101 996.

If you are having trouble viewing the PDF, please ensure you have the
latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download this freeware please
click [3]here. 


Ngā mihi
Christopher Johnston (he/him)
Manager | OIA Services

* PO Box 242, Wellington 6011

ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email unless it
is really necessary. Thank you.
------------------- Original Message

show quoted sections

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[email address]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA



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From: Sue

Dear Government Services,

You have not requested the minimal necessary information to process an OIA request which requires zero personal information. What does my name, address or any other personal information have to do with your willingness to provide copies of ACC policies?

Ask yourself who, outside of NZ, would know about or give two tosses about ACC and ACC's policies? The only people who make requests for information from ACC are claimants, family and friends of claimants who have been adversely affected by ACC decisions, claimant's legal representatives and NZ reporters.

I again note that your treatment of me is inconsistent with your treatment to others, and the only difference I can see is my gender.

Please process my request.

Yours sincerely,


Link to this

From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation

Kia ora,

Thank you for contacting ACC’s Government Services inbox.

If your request falls within scope of the Official Information Act, we
will endeavour to respond as soon as possible, and no later than 20
working days after receipt of your request. If we are unable to respond
within the statutory timeframe, we will notify you of an extension.


The information you have requested may involve documents which contain the
names and contact details of individuals. Please let us know whether you
are seeking that information as part of your request. We may need to
consult before deciding whether we can release this information, and this
may take a bit more time. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that
you do not require it.


For more information about Official Information Act requests, please
visit: [1]Ombudsman New Zealand | Tari o te Kaitiaki Mana Tangata.

If your request relates to your claim, or you’d like more information
about lodging a claim, please contact ACC’s claims team at 0800 101 996
or [2][email address].

For personal information requests or privacy matters,
please visit [3]Request for personal information (

For general queries, please visit: [4]Contact us (



Ngâ mihi,

Government Services

PO Box 242 / Wellington 6011 / New Zealand / [5]

ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this email
unless it is really necessary. Thank you.



"This message and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged
information. If you believe you have received this email in error, please
advise us immediately by return email or telephone and then delete this
email together with all attachments. If you are not the intended
recipient, you are not authorised to use or copy this message or any
attachments or disclose the contents to any other person."


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Things to do with this request

Accident Compensation Corporation only: