Expenditure to AECOM
T Dobbie made this Official Information request to Ministry for the Environment
The request was partially successful.
From: T Dobbie
Dear Ministry for the Environment,
Please advise the total expenditure to AECOM the consulting company (from the US) or their NZ company for the last 10 years. I am after a breakdown by year and type of work consulted on.
Yours faithfully,
T Dobbie
From: Taku Mahi
Ministry for the Environment
Kia ora T Dobbie,
Thank you for your Official Information Act request received on
We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 20 working days after the day your request was
received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension to that timeframe.
Please note the Ministry for the Environment will release responses to
selected OIA requests on our [1]OIA responses page shortly after the
response has been sent.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at
[MFE request email].
Please note that this Taku Mahi inbox is not monitored.
Ngâ mihi nui
Ministry for the Environment – Manatû Mô Te Taiao
Email: [MFE request email] Website: [2]www.mfe.govt.nz
8 Willis Street, Wellington Central, Wellington 6011
Visible links
1. http://www.mfe.govt.nz/about-us/official...
2. http://www.mfe.govt.nz/
From: OIA
Ministry for the Environment
Kia ora T Dobbie
Please find attached information regarding your Official Information Act
Ngâ mihi nui
Ministry for the Environment – Manatû Mô Te Taiao
Email: [1][email address] Website: [2]www.mfe.govt.nz
8 Willis Street, Wellington Central, Wellington 6011
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.mfe.govt.nz/
From: T Dobbie
Dear OIA,
Thank you for your response. I followed the link although it is filled with much clutter for my simple question...
Please advise the total expenditure to AECOM the consulting company (from the US) or their NZ company for the last 10 years. I am after a breakdown by year and type of work consulted on.
Please provide the information, or a direct link to the answer.
Thank you
T Dobbie
From: OIA
Ministry for the Environment
Kia ora
Please find attached a table which will assist you with being able to find
the information you’re seeking.
Year Annual review submission links and page references:
1 2013/14 [1]Ministry for the Environment Annual review Question 14
responses 2013-14 (www.parliament.nz) pg 9
[2]0e9d21e36be5e60e9bb351d26ecd35262e1a33d0 Appendix 2
2 2014/15 [3]80b8d5f2084f616a6ddb41bb2b2a1baebe86a731 Question 66
(www.parliament.nz) pg 39
[4]Contractors Consultants 12-13 full Appendix 4
3 2015/16 [5]5fe152237438fd9c2f955ed92c5cc019cd8362af Question 63
(www.parliament.nz) pg 45
[6]d0475a85cb29d4e4f8f3d0f064778dfb3b9f75ee Appendix 2
4 2016/17 [7]8d1efae41cef0dcee8785d5809840b6d9e33ce39 Question 63
(www.parliament.nz) pg 34,
Appendix 4,
pg 68
5 2017/18 [8]b3b0b8a057aa7b47c3fe4de8b5580e5e2407e2a9 Question 68
(www.parliament.nz) pg 73,
Appendix 2,
pg 163
6 2018/19 [9]13706dd7aa83fb6df603b7004d2d84ed49ed35b7 Question 68
(www.parliament.nz) pg 44,
Appendix 4
pg 86
7 2019/20 [10]7acaf8fed86028ceee94a3faf8a6987b3b2d21ee Question 68
(www.parliament.nz) pg 58,
Appendix 4
pg 122
8 2020/21 [11]8f2602dce77e036cc3affa60586ccb431507da21 Question 68
(www.parliament.nz) pg 54
[12]9bc0661b9c1fbd928da9720072ce8f283a9af4d6 Appendix 8
(www.parliament.nz) pg 40
9 2021/22 [13]78a43e93c477bd039c325f14e84d9d553c1496ae Question 68
(www.parliament.nz) pg 54
[14]f6c9c716bba7045afcd51d9f0ed362194a9eee99 Appendix 7
(www.parliament.nz) pg 28
10 2022/23 [15]aa636a2b680b63ac10e7b3e2e4ab508aee1dceec Question 68
(www.parliament.nz) pg 58
[16]be4a6d24a7f4dd860292bd7b95c7c60979db4887 Appendix 10
(www.parliament.nz) pg 220
Ngā mihi
Ministry for the Environment
show quoted sections
From: T Dobbie
Dear OIA,
Thank you for your response. Those references are not direct links. I am not an employee of MOE and do not understand those references. Please remove the clutter for my simple question...
Please advise the total expenditure to AECOM the consulting company (from the US) or their NZ company for the last 10 years. I am after a breakdown by year and type of work consulted on.
Please provide the information, or a direct link to the answer.
Thank you
T Dobbie
From: OIA
Ministry for the Environment
Apologies, not sure what happened to the links. We have created a pdf of the table with the links to publicly available information.
show quoted sections
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence