The New Zealand Geographic Board

Adam Irish made this Official Information request to Land Information New Zealand

The request was successful.

From: Adam Irish

Dear Land Information New Zealand,

I request under the Official Information Act if any members of the The New Zealand Geographic Board have been replaced since the new government has been elected. Additionally has any reviews of there name changes over the span of the last government taken place. Lastly is there any proposed legislation for scraping the The New Zealand Geographic Board being looked at or evaluated.

Yours faithfully,


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From: Wendy Shaw
Land Information New Zealand

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Tçnâ koe Adam


Thank you for your email of 9 April 2024 to the New Zealand Geographic
Board Ngâ Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa.


In response to your three questions, I can advise:

o No New Zealand Geographic Board members have been replaced since the
new goverment was elected in October 2023,
o One judicial review of a name change was undertaken during the last
goverment’s term in office, and
o There is no proposed legislation for scrapping the New Zealand
Geographic Board.


Ngâ mihi


Wendy Shaw
Ngâ Pou Taunaha o Aotearoa New Zealand Geographic Board
Office of the Surveyor-General
[1][email address] or [2][email address] | DDI 04 460
0581 | MOB 027 480 7082

Wellington Office,

Level 7, 155 The Terrace,
PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand

[3] | [4]





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-----Original Message-----

From: Adam Irish <[10][FOI #26369 email]>

Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2024 1:19 AM

To: Ministerial Support <[11][LINZ request email]>

Subject: Official Information request - The New Zealand Geographic Board


Dear Land Information New Zealand,


I request under the Official Information Act if any members of the The New
Zealand Geographic Board have been replaced since the new government has
been elected. Additionally has any reviews of there name changes over the
span of the last government taken place. Lastly is there any proposed
legislation for scraping the The New Zealand Geographic Board being looked
at or evaluated.


Yours faithfully,




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