List of registered suppliers (payment cards)

John Walter made this Official Information request to Ministry of Social Development

The request was successful.

From: John Walter

Dear Ministry of Social Development,

On the WINZ website, the food suppliers are listed but not all other retailers for using payment cards.

Please provide the full list of stores that payment cards can be used at.

Yours faithfully,
John Walter

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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Tēnā koe John Walter,


Thank you for your email received 7 October 2023, under the Official
Information Act 1982. Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate
officials at National Office to respond. 


Ngā manaakitanga,


Official and Parliamentary Information Team | Ministerial and Executive

Ministry of Social Development


Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to help themselves to be safe, strong and
Ko ta mātou he whakamana tangata kia tū haumaru, kia tū kaha, kia tū


-----Original Message-----
From: John Walter <[1][FOI #24345 email]>
Sent: Saturday, 7 October 2023 2:02 am
To: OIA_Requests (MSD) <[2][MSD request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - List of registered suppliers
(payment cards)


Dear Ministry of Social Development,


On the WINZ website, the food suppliers are listed but not all other
retailers for using payment cards.


Please provide the full list of stores that payment cards can be used at. 


Yours faithfully,

John Walter




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Kia ora John Walter

We refer to your below request made to the Ministry of Social Development
(the Ministry) under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).

“Dear Ministry of Social Development,


On the WINZ website, the food suppliers are listed but not all other
retailers for using payment cards.


Please provide the full list of stores that payment cards can be used at.”

Your request is broad in scope and is likely to be refused under section
18(f) of the Act as substantial manual collation would be required to
provide the information requested.  

As such, we suggest that you refine your request to enable us to provide
the information you are seeking. We recommend refining your request, for
example, by requesting the list of suppliers in your area.

Please note that once you have refined your request, under section 15(1AA)
of the Official Information Act, the Ministry will treat your refined
request as a new request that replaces the original request. This restarts
the 20-working day response period. This is required to ensure that the
Ministry has enough time to process your request. 

If you do not refine your request, the Ministry will proceed with your
original request. Please note that this is likely to result in a partial
refusal of your original request. 

Please confirm whether you agree with the refinement proposed.

Ngâ mihi


Official Information team | Ministerial and Executive Services

Ministry of Social Development


Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau.


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information that is confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you
are not the intended recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or
duplication of this email and attachments is prohibited. If you have
received this email in error please notify the author immediately and
erase all copies of the email and attachments. The Ministry of Social
Development accepts no responsibility for changes made to this message or
attachments after transmission from the Ministry.

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From: John Walter

Dear OIA_Requests (MSD),

Thank you for your preliminary indication.

I do not agree with your assessment of this request requiring substantial collation. That is because in my previous correspondence with Work and Income it is acknowledged that this information is stored in a searchable database, hence why staff are able to search supplier names. If that database is centralised for the entire country, which would seem the most logical set up, the suggestion that this request requires substantial collation is without basis.

However, if the database is regional, 16 ‘copy paste’ style functions are required to respond to this OIA request. Again, that would suggest this describing this as falling under the "substantial collation" exemption is unfounded.

Nevertheless, I also indicate the public interest in this information. By providing a public list of providers, as is already in place for food suppliers (, WINZ employees are not required to expend resources locating an appropriate approved supplier. Given that WINZ is a public agency, public resources and public money will be saved by responding to this request.

I would also indicate that the public availability for payment card suppliers may have been intended because the website directs users to a 'payment card suppliers: contents' page under which 'food grant suppliers' is listed. No other categories are listed, but if this page was intended to be food suppliers alone, a contents page would not have been included.

It is unclear why this action has not been performed, but the common system is perverse to common sense where clients are required to either:
a. 'cold call' random suppliers and ask whether they are WINZ approved; or
b. ask WINZ to search a list via a phone call whether a suggested store is an approved supplier.

Accordingly, it is suggested that your preliminary assessment is incorrect, and, in the alternative, public interest would support proceeding with the request. If the preliminary assesment is upheld, I am exercising the OIA 1982, s 19(a)(ii) to give the grounds in support of the refusal.

Yours sincerely,
John Walter

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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Attachment OIA Response John Walter.pdf
174K Download View as HTML

Tçnâ koe John Walter


Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request.



Ngâ mihi


Official Information team | Ministerial and Executive Services

Ministry of Social Development


Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau.


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information that is confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you
are not the intended recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or
duplication of this email and attachments is prohibited. If you have
received this email in error please notify the author immediately and
erase all copies of the email and attachments. The Ministry of Social
Development accepts no responsibility for changes made to this message or
attachments after transmission from the Ministry.

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John Walter left an annotation ()

Ombudsman complaint filed.

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From: John Walter

Dear OIA_Requests (MSD),

In your previous response it was stated that there is an "extremely large number of suppliers in our systems and Ministry staff would have to manually review this information".

Please provide information on how that data is currently stored.

It is my understanding that this was already within a database of WINZ approved / registered suppliers because the call centre is able to search for names of suppliers.

Please confirm and, if affirmative, provide the entire raw database with any native categorisation that is already present in your system (I.e. without any "manual review" of the data to ascertain whether the supplier accepts payment cards or not). This should, therefore, negate all research required and the basis of the previous refusal.

Yours sincerely,
John Walter

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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Tēnā koe John Walter,

Thank you for your email received 27 October 2023, under the Official Information Act 1982. Your request has been forwarded to the appropriate officials at National Office to respond.

Ngā manaakitanga,

Official and Parliamentary Information Team | Ministerial and Executive Services
Ministry of Social Development

Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to help themselves to be safe, strong and independent
Ko ta mātou he whakamana tangata kia tū haumaru, kia tū kaha, kia tū motuhake

-----Original Message-----
From: John Walter <[FOI #24345 email]>
Sent: Friday, 27 October 2023 10:04 am
To: OIA_Requests (MSD) <[MSD request email]>
Subject: Re: Ministry of Social Development | Your Official Information Act Request

Dear OIA_Requests (MSD),

In your previous response it was stated that there is an "extremely large number of suppliers in our systems and Ministry staff would have to manually review this information".

Please provide information on how that data is currently stored.

It is my understanding that this was already within a database of WINZ approved / registered suppliers because the call centre is able to search for names of suppliers.

Please confirm and, if affirmative, provide the entire raw database with any native categorisation that is already present in your system (I.e. without any "manual review" of the data to ascertain whether the supplier accepts payment cards or not). This should, therefore, negate all research required and the basis of the previous refusal.

Yours sincerely,
John Walter

-----Original Message-----

Tçnâ koe John Walter

Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information Act request.

Ngâ mihi

Official Information team | Ministerial and Executive Services

Ministry of Social Development

Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau.

------------------------------- This email and any attachments may contain information that is confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email and attachments is prohibited. If you have received this email in error please notify the author immediately and erase all copies of the email and attachments. The Ministry of Social Development accepts no responsibility for changes made to this message or attachments after transmission from the Ministry.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #24345 email]

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


This email and any attachments may contain information that is confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this email and attachments is prohibited. If you have received this email in error please notify the author immediately and erase all copies of the email and attachments. The Ministry of Social Development accepts no responsibility for changes made to this message or attachments after transmission from the Ministry.


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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Kia ora John Walter,


I am writing to you regarding your request for information below. This
letter is to advise you that the Ministry has received your request,
however requires more time to respond to this request. In accordance with
section 15(1) and 15A of the Official Information Act, the Ministry’s
decision will be with you no later than 8 December 2023.




“In your previous response it was stated that there is an "extremely large
number of suppliers in our systems and Ministry staff would have to
manually review this information".


Please provide information on how that data is currently stored.


It is my understanding that this was already within a database of WINZ
approved / registered suppliers because the call centre is able to search
for names of suppliers.


Please confirm and, if affirmative, provide the entire raw database with
any native categorisation that is already present in your system (I.e.
without any "manual review" of the data to ascertain whether the supplier
accepts payment cards or not). This should, therefore, negate all research
required and the basis of the previous refusal.”


The reason for the extension is that the request is for a large quantity
of information or necessitates a search through a large quantity of
information and meeting the original time limit would unreasonably
interfere with the operations of the Ministry.


You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[1] or 0800 802 602.


If you wish to discuss any aspect of your request with us, including this
decision, please feel free to contact [2][MSD request email]


I will respond to you sooner if I am able to.



Ngâ mihi


Official Information team | Ministerial and Executive Services

Ministry of Social Development


Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau.


------------------------------- This email and any attachments may contain
information that is confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you
are not the intended recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or
duplication of this email and attachments is prohibited. If you have
received this email in error please notify the author immediately and
erase all copies of the email and attachments. The Ministry of Social
Development accepts no responsibility for changes made to this message or
attachments after transmission from the Ministry.


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2. mailto:[MSD request email]

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From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Tçnâ koe John Walter


We refer to your below request made to the Ministry of Social Development
(the Ministry) under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).

“Please provide information on how that data is currently stored.

It is my understanding that this was already within a database of WINZ
approved / registered suppliers because the call centre is able to search
for names of suppliers.

Please confirm and, if affirmative, provide the entire raw database with
any native categorisation that is already present in your system (I.e.
without any "manual review" of the data to ascertain whether the supplier
accepts payment cards or not). This should, therefore, negate all research
required and the basis of the previous refusal.”

The Ministry has decided to grant your request. However, it will take some
more time to prepare the information for release. I have decided to grant
your request by way of an excerpt under section 16(1)(e) of the Act.
Releasing data in the format you have requested would prejudice the
interests protected by section 9 of the Act and there is no countervailing
public interest (section 16(2)(c) of the Act refers).


You will note that the information regarding some individuals is excluded
under section 9(2)(a) of the Act in order to protect the privacy of
natural persons. The need to protect the privacy of these individuals
outweighs any public interest in this information.


The information will be sent to you by 19 December 2023. We will respond
earlier if we are able to.


This is a decision under section 15(1)(a) of the Act. Further information
on the background of this decision can be found on pages 18 and 34 of the
following guide of the Ombudsman:


If you wish to discuss this decision with us, please feel free to contact
[2][MSD request email].


If you are not satisfied with this decision, you have the right to seek an
investigation and review by the Ombudsman. Information about how to make a
complaint is available at [3] or 0800 802 602.


Ngâ mihi


Official Information team | Ministerial and Executive Services

Ministry of Social Development


Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau.


------------------------------- This email and any attachments may contain
information that is confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you
are not the intended recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or
duplication of this email and attachments is prohibited. If you have
received this email in error please notify the author immediately and
erase all copies of the email and attachments. The Ministry of Social
Development accepts no responsibility for changes made to this message or
attachments after transmission from the Ministry.


Visible links
2. mailto:[MSD request email]

Link to this

From: OIA_Requests (MSD)
Ministry of Social Development

Attachment Summary of Client Management System Supplier List 1.xlsx
1.7M Download View as HTML

Attachment OIA Response for John Walter 2.pdf
177K Download View as HTML

Tçnâ koe John Walter


Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request.



Ngâ mihi


Official Information team | Ministerial and Executive Services

Ministry of Social Development


Our Purpose:
We help New Zealanders to be safe, strong and independent.
Manaaki Tangata, Manaaki Whânau.


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information that is confidential and subject to legal privilege. If you
are not the intended recipient, any use, dissemination, distribution or
duplication of this email and attachments is prohibited. If you have
received this email in error please notify the author immediately and
erase all copies of the email and attachments. The Ministry of Social
Development accepts no responsibility for changes made to this message or
attachments after transmission from the Ministry.

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Things to do with this request

Ministry of Social Development only: