Update regards vacant sections Merton/Rimutaka/Ruahine Street, Upper Hutt

Fraser made this Official Information request to Minister for Social Housing

The request was refused by Minister for Social Housing.

From: Fraser

Dear Minister for Social Housing,

I'd appreciate if you could provide an update as to what is planned for the vacant Housing New Zealand land located on Merton/Rimutaka/Merton Street, Upper Hutt formerly occupied by Housing New Zealand Flats.

The land has been vacant for some time now and it would be good to see this space utilised (be it by a private or public developer or both). Personally I would not however like to see high density housing in this position - it would be ideal for stand alone single households.

Could you please provide copies of any documents, emails, correspondence, meeting minutes, plans or other documents which are pertinent to the intended future use of these particular properties which date from the time of the previous building's demolition to now.

Yours faithfully,


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From: P Bennett (MIN)
Minister for Social Housing

Thank you for your email addressed to the Hon Paula Bennett. She
appreciates you taking the time to contact her.

All correspondence, including email, is entered into our mail tracking
process. Although e-mail delivery is instant, the time required to respond
to the high number received makes it impossible to provide an equally
instant response from the Minister.

Minister Bennett will read your views but a response beyond this
acknowledgement may not be sent.


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From: Megan McKay

Dear Fraser


On behalf of Hon Paula Bennett, Minister for Social Housing, thank you for
your email of 27 January 2015 requesting, under the Official Information
Act details about vacant Housing New Zealand land in
Merton/Rimutaka/Merton Street Upper Hutt. You have specifically asked for


…copies of any documents, emails, correspondence, meeting minutes, plans
or other documents which are pertinent to the intended future use of these
particular properties which date from the time of the previous building's
demolition to now.


The information you have requested is more closely connected with the
functions of Housing New Zealand.  Accordingly, under section 14 (b) (ii)
of the Official Information Act, your request has been transferred to
Housing New Zealand for consideration and direct reply.


Yours sincerely



Megan McKay

Private Secretary (Social Housing)

Minister of Social Housing

Room 6.3 Executive Wing, Parliament




show quoted sections

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From: Graham Parkin

Attachment PDF of final signed reply 23 February 2015 A464147.pdf
48K Download View as HTML

Good afternoon Fraser


Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request
of 27 January 2015 about vacant land in Merton and Rimutaka Streets in

Upper Hutt




Graham Parkin

Government Relations Unit


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Please consider the environment before printing this email.

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Things to do with this request

Minister for Social Housing only: