Ngati rangi special treatment

Barry Murphy made this Official Information request to Ruapehu District Council

Response to this request is long overdue. By law Ruapehu District Council should have responded by now (details and exceptions). The requester can complain to the Ombudsman.

From: Barry Murphy

Dear Ruapehu District Council,

I ask
1./ why is ngati rangi given special treatment over rate payers and the community?
2./ why are ngati rangi iwi put before other people, everyone should be treated equally, why are the community not consulted in the same way ngati rangi is consulted?
3./ What involvement does ngati rangi have in the affordable/workers homes? It would appear from OIA information released today, that their investment arm is being considered for some of the homes, why the preferential treatment with this partner?
4./ what involvement does ngati rangi have in teitei drive as a partner?
5./ what advice, recommendations, and information, has been shared with ngati rang that has not been shared publicly to date!
6./ when did ngati rangi bless teitei drive and why was it not made public until OIA’s released today?
7./ what policy does council follow for equality and fairness?
8./ what funds is ngati rangi providing for teitei drive?
9./ oia documents released from kainga ora and Megan woods offices today showed that they were worried questions would be raised when contractors or people were seen on teitei drive, what perceived perceptions did council have on this, did they share the same as mentioned?
10./ please provide any documentation as to concerns councilors had around community perception of teitei project
11./ did any councilors raise concern about the secrecy and if so who, and by number how many?

Yours faithfully,

Barry Murphy

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From: Info
Ruapehu District Council

Kia Ora Barry,

Thank you for your Request for Official Information.

We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in any event no later than 11 October 2023, being 20 working days after the day your request was received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.

If you have any queries please feel free to contact [Ruapehu District Council request email]. If any additional factors come to light which are relevant to your request, please do not hesitate to contact us so that these can be taken into account.

Please note that requests may incur a reasonable charge. We will contact you with an approximate cost, before we proceed, if applicable.

Ngā mihi
TeRina Turanga

Info INFO Mailbox
Info Mailbox
Ruapehu District Council

Ruapehu District Council | Private Bag 1001 | Taumarunui 3946 | New Zealand
Phone: 07 895 8188 ext: | Fax: 07 895 3256 | Mobile:
email: [Ruapehu District Council request email]| RDC website: http://

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-----Original Message-----
From: Barry Murphy <[FOI #24121 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2023 8:21 PM
To: Info <[Ruapehu District Council request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Ngati rangi special treatment

Warning: This email is from an External Sender. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Dear Ruapehu District Council,

I ask
1./ why is ngati rangi given special treatment over rate payers and the community?
2./ why are ngati rangi iwi put before other people, everyone should be treated equally, why are the community not consulted in the same way ngati rangi is consulted?
3./ What involvement does ngati rangi have in the affordable/workers homes? It would appear from OIA information released today, that their investment arm is being considered for some of the homes, why the preferential treatment with this partner?
4./ what involvement does ngati rangi have in teitei drive as a partner?
5./ what advice, recommendations, and information, has been shared with ngati rang that has not been shared publicly to date!
6./ when did ngati rangi bless teitei drive and why was it not made public until OIA’s released today?
7./ what policy does council follow for equality and fairness?
8./ what funds is ngati rangi providing for teitei drive?
9./ oia documents released from kainga ora and Megan woods offices today showed that they were worried questions would be raised when contractors or people were seen on teitei drive, what perceived perceptions did council have on this, did they share the same as mentioned?
10./ please provide any documentation as to concerns councilors had around community perception of teitei project 11./ did any councilors raise concern about the secrecy and if so who, and by number how many?

Yours faithfully,

Barry Murphy


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

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Response due 11 October

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From: Barry Murphy

Dear Info,

Just confirming this is due for reply today

Yours sincerely,

Barry Murphy

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From: Barry Murphy

Dear Info,

I have not received any response to this OIA.

Yours sincerely,

Barry Murphy

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From: Barry Murphy

Dear Info,

This request is still unanswered

Yours sincerely,

Barry Murphy

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Barry Murphy left an annotation ()

giving up

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Things to do with this request

Ruapehu District Council only: