GIS data relating to Marine and Coastal Area Register

Craig Innes made this Official Information request to Land Information New Zealand

The request was partially successful.

From: Craig Innes

Tena koe,

Attention the Surveyor General and the Registrar General of Land.

This is a request for information under the Official Information Act 1982.

Please provide all GIS data relating to the Marine and Coastal Area Register as described below:

Please clarify the situation with regard to these entries. For instance, the last entry in the list has an associated parcel in the nz-parcels dataset. Are all the other orders going to be shown in this dataset?

Naku noa, na,

Link to this

From: Ministerial Support
Land Information New Zealand

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Attachment image003.png
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Attachment image004.png
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Attachment image005.png
6K Download

Tēnā koe Craig,


Thank you for your official information request received on Thursday, 31
August 2023.


You can expect a response to your request as soon as possible, and no
later than Thursday, 28 September 2023, which is 20 working days after
Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand received your request.


Please note, the response to your request, with your personal details
withheld, and any attached documentation may be published on the Toitū Te
Whenua website. Confirmation of whether we intend to publish the response
will be conveyed when we respond to your request.


Ngā mihi nui


Thomas Baird

Ministerial Support and Official Correspondence


[1][email address]  | DDI 04-460 2741

  Wellington Office, Level 5, Radio New Zealand
House, 155 The Terrace
[2]Toitu Te Whenua colour PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand
[3] | [4]


[5]link to facebook          [6]link to
LinkedIn          [7]link to
Twitter          [8]Link to YouTube






-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Innes <[FYI request #24004 email]>
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 2:00 PM
To: Ministerial Support <[LINZ request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - GIS data relating to Marine and
Coastal Area Register


Tena koe,


Attention the Surveyor General and the Registrar General of Land.


This is a request for information under the Official Information Act 1982.


Please provide all GIS data relating to the Marine and Coastal Area
Register as described below:




Please clarify the situation with regard to these entries.  For instance,
the last entry in the list has an associated parcel in the nz-parcels
dataset.  Are all the other orders going to be shown in this dataset?


Naku noa, na,




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[10][FYI request #24004 email]


Is [11][LINZ request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to Land Information New Zealand? If so, please
contact us using this form:



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA





This message contains information, which may be in confidence and may be
subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you
must not peruse, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message. If you
have received this message in error, please notify us immediately (Phone
0800 665 463 or [email address]) and destroy the original message. LINZ
accepts no responsibility for changes to this email, or for any
attachments, after its transmission from LINZ. Thank You.


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From: Ministerial Support
Land Information New Zealand

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15K Download

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6K Download

Attachment image003.png
6K Download

Attachment image004.png
8K Download

Attachment image005.png
6K Download

Attachment DOIA 24 064 Transfer Letter to Requestor.pdf
160K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Craig


Attached is formal notification that your Official Information Act request
has been transferred.


Ngā mihi


Pete Hill
Senior Business Partner / Hoa Kōtui Pakihi Matua

Ministerial and Government Services


[1][email address] | DDI 04 460 2784 | MOB 027 235 8389



  Wellington Office, Level 7, Radio New Zealand
House, 155 The Terrace
[2]Toitu Te Whenua colour PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand
[3] | [4]


[5]link to facebook          [6]link to
LinkedIn          [7]link to
Twitter          [8]Link to YouTube



From: Ministerial Support
Sent: Monday, September 4, 2023 10:01 AM
To: Craig Innes <[FOI #24004 email]>
Subject: RE: Official Information request - GIS data relating to Marine
and Coastal Area Register


Tēnā koe Craig,


Thank you for your official information request received on Thursday, 31
August 2023.


You can expect a response to your request as soon as possible, and no
later than Thursday, 28 September 2023, which is 20 working days after
Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand received your request.


Please note, the response to your request, with your personal details
withheld, and any attached documentation may be published on the Toitū Te
Whenua website. Confirmation of whether we intend to publish the response
will be conveyed when we respond to your request.


Ngā mihi nui


Thomas Baird

Ministerial Support and Official Correspondence


[9][email address]  | DDI 04-460 2741

  Wellington Office, Level 5, Radio New Zealand
House, 155 The Terrace
[10]Toitu Te Whenua colour PO Box 5501, Wellington 6145, New Zealand
[11] | [12]


[13]link to facebook          [14]link to
LinkedIn          [15]link to
Twitter          [16]Link to YouTube






-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Innes <[17][FOI #24004 email]>
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 2:00 PM
To: Ministerial Support <[18][LINZ request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - GIS data relating to Marine and
Coastal Area Register


Tena koe,


Attention the Surveyor General and the Registrar General of Land.


This is a request for information under the Official Information Act 1982.


Please provide all GIS data relating to the Marine and Coastal Area
Register as described below:




Please clarify the situation with regard to these entries.  For instance,
the last entry in the list has an associated parcel in the nz-parcels
dataset.  Are all the other orders going to be shown in this dataset?


Naku noa, na,




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[20][FOI #24004 email]


Is [21][LINZ request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to Land Information New Zealand? If so, please
contact us using this form:



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA





This message contains information, which may be in confidence and may be
subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you
must not peruse, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message. If you
have received this message in error, please notify us immediately (Phone
0800 665 463 or [email address]) and destroy the original message. LINZ
accepts no responsibility for changes to this email, or for any
attachments, after its transmission from LINZ. Thank You.


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21. mailto:[LINZ request email]

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Tçnâ koe,


Thank you for your correspondence of 31 August 2023 requesting
information under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). This email
acknowledges transfer of your request from Land Information New Zealand
 on 12 September 2023. The Office for Mâori Crown Relations - Te Arawhiti
will process your request and provide a response in due course. You can
expect a response on or before 10 October 2023.

Te Arawhiti proactively publishes OIA responses that are likely to be of
public interest and will consider doing so with the response to your
request. We will convey our decision in our response to you. If we decide
to publish our response, this will happen at least 20 working days after
you receive the response. We will also remove any identifying details
(including your name and contact details) from the published response.


Ngâ mihi


Official Correspondence


[1][IMG] Official Correspondence
Ministerial Services
The Office for Mâori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti
Level 3, Justice Centre, 19 Aitken Street,
SX10111, Wellington 6011




-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Innes <[2][FOI #24004 email]>
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 2:00 PM
To: Ministerial Support <[3][LINZ request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - GIS data relating to Marine and
Coastal Area Register


Tena koe,


Attention the Surveyor General and the Registrar General of Land.


This is a request for information under the Official Information Act 1982.


Please provide all GIS data relating to the Marine and Coastal Area
Register as described below:




Please clarify the situation with regard to these entries.  For instance,
the last entry in the list has an associated parcel in the nz-parcels
dataset.  Are all the other orders going to be shown in this dataset?


Naku noa, na,




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[5][FOI #24004 email]


Is [6][LINZ request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to Land Information New Zealand? If so, please
contact us using this form:



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA







This message contains information, which may be in confidence and may be
subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you
must not peruse, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message. If you
have received this message in error, please notify us immediately (Phone
0800 665 463 or [9][email address]) and destroy the original message.
LINZ accepts no responsibility for changes to this email, or for any
attachments, after its transmission from LINZ. Thank You.


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Attachment image001.png
14K Download

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Attachment 2023 0912 OIA 84664 Craig Innes Response Letter.pdf
345K Download View as HTML

Tçnâ koe Craig,


Please find attached response to your below Official Information request.


“To answer your other query, the inclusion of the last entry in the
register as a parcel on LINZ’s data service is a requirement for
recognition of customary marine title through the High Court. The other
current entries are recognitions made under Ngâ Rohe Moana o Ngâ Hapû o
Ngâti Porou Act 2019 by the Crown, which do not require a parcel to be


Ngâ mihi

Official Correspondence



[1][IMG] Official Correspondence
Ministerial Services
The Office for Mâori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti
Level 3, Justice Centre, 19 Aitken Street,
SX10111, Wellington 6011


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Innes <[2][FOI #24004 email]>
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2023 2:00 PM
To: Ministerial Support <[3][LINZ request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - GIS data relating to Marine and
Coastal Area Register


Tena koe,


Attention the Surveyor General and the Registrar General of Land.


This is a request for information under the Official Information Act 1982.


Please provide all GIS data relating to the Marine and Coastal Area
Register as described below:




Please clarify the situation with regard to these entries.  For instance,
the last entry in the list has an associated parcel in the nz-parcels
dataset.  Are all the other orders going to be shown in this dataset?


Naku noa, na,




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[5][FOI #24004 email]


Is [6][LINZ request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to Land Information New Zealand? If so, please
contact us using this form:



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA







This message contains information, which may be in confidence and may be
subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you
must not peruse, use, disseminate, distribute or copy this message. If you
have received this message in error, please notify us immediately (Phone
0800 665 463 or [9][email address]) and destroy the original message.
LINZ accepts no responsibility for changes to this email, or for any
attachments, after its transmission from LINZ. Thank You.


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Things to do with this request

Land Information New Zealand only: