How can total number of unassigned applications increase?

Kaizu made this Official Information request to Department of Internal Affairs

The request was partially successful.

From: Kaizu

Dear Department of Internal Affairs,

The total number of unassigned applications for the following months as at the 1st June 2023 were:

May-22 848
Jun-22 743
Jul-22 693
Aug-22 267
Feb-23 1443

The photo (that was downloaded from that shows the above figures can be emailed to you if required.

However, as at the 6th July 2023 the figures were:

May-22 859 (i.e., 11 applications more)
Jun-22 764 (i.e., 21 applications more)
Jul-22 707 (i.e., 14 applications more)
Aug-22 730 (i.e., 463 applications more)
Feb-23 1537 (i.e., 94 applications more)

Is it a system error or someone deliberately lied?

Yours faithfully,


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From: Kaizu

Dear Department of Internal Affairs,

"The total number of unassigned applications for the following months as at the 1st June 2023 were:"
should have been"
"The total number of unassigned applications SUBMITTED IN the following months as at the 1st June 2023 were:

Yours faithfully,


Link to this

From: SDO Official Correspondence
Department of Internal Affairs

Tçnâ koe Kaizu,


Thank you for your query.

It may be helpful for me to explain that allocating applications to a
citizenship trained Life and Identity Support Officer (LISO) can include
an application being allocated for full-assessment, or can mean having the
application allocated to a LISO completing initial checks on the
application, e.g., that the correct documentation has been supplied,
before it is returned to the workstream to wait for full assessment.
Allocated to a LISO status is therefore not a measure that indicates to an
applicant when their application will be fully assessed against the
citizenship criteria.

I’m advised that the pre-assessment process has caused the previous linear
application flow to be more fluid, causing statuses, particularly
“Unassigned” and “Processing”, to fluctuate month to month. System
limitations constrain how we currently collect this information, however,
the Department is exploring ways to improve this. The data sets you have
referenced were correct at the date of collation, within the current
system limitations of reporting.

I trust that this answers your questions.

Nâku noa, nâ


Micheala Ngaia [1](ia/she/her)| Official Correspondence Manager
Te Pâhekoheko, Kâwai ki te iwi | Operations, Service Delivery and

Te Tari Taiwhenua  The Department of Internal Affairs




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