Location of visitor centres

Oliver Seiler made this Official Information request to Department of Conservation

The request was successful.

From: Oliver Seiler

Dear Department of Conservation,

Please provide a list of the GPS locations of all visitor centres.

Ideally these coordinates would be added to the Geoportal and the web site. If not please provide in an electronic form, e.g. CSV or other format.

Yours faithfully,

Oliver Seiler

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From: Oliver Seiler

Dear Department of Conservation,

Unfortunately I have not received a response to my request within the maximum timeframe allowed by law. Please provide a response or updated timeframe asap.

Yours faithfully,

Oliver Seiler

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Mike McGavin left an annotation ()

Hi Oliver. I won't apologise for DOC's OIA response practices, but which geoportal are you referring to? I can already see the Visitor Centres on DOCGIS, at http://www.doc.govt.nz/about-doc/role/ma...

Or are you meaning that you want the exact latitude and longitude of each centre specified?

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Oliver Seiler left an annotation ()

Hi Mike,

I'd like to get the coordinates of the VC's in a reusable form, so that they can be used on other maps, apps or for people to find them using their navigation system. I can see them on 'DOC Maps', but they simply come back as an image as oppose to structural data (http://bit.ly/1yHKZFl).
DOC have listed some hut and camp site coordinates on http://geoportal.doc.govt.nz/geoportal (which seems to be down right now) and also on their web site next to many huts and camp sites.
There is a list of VCs addresses available, but they are often incomplete or don't translate well into an actual position (e.g. West End, Kaikoura).

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Oliver Seiler left an annotation ()

Followed up with an email directly to OIA@doc.govt.nz as per the contact us section of their web site.

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Oliver Seiler left an annotation ()

DOC provided the information by separate email on 18 Feb 15

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Things to do with this request

Department of Conservation only: