Pesticide Summary Data in a GIS vector format.

Simon Kerr made this Official Information request to Department of Conservation

The request was successful.

From: Simon Kerr

Dear Department of Conservation,

With reference to the pesticide summaries available at - The information is in either jpeg images for the detailed maps, or in pdf format for the overall pesticide summary for each region.

This data was previously available on the DOC Geoportal, easily enabling integration in websites and mapping applications. Up-to-date versions are in jpeg and pdf format only. These formats, while being easy for human eyes to view on the DOC website, make it extremely difficult to integrate the underlying data in dynamic maps.

Assuming the jpeg maps are produced using vector data within a GIS application, then can you please publish the original vector data in a format that is easily useable by software developers, as was previously available in the DOC Geoportal.

Yours faithfully,

Simon Kerr

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From: David Hunt
Department of Conservation

Attachment image003.jpg
3K Download

Good morning Simon Keer


Thank you for your request for


With reference to the pesticide summaries available at
- The information is in either jpeg images for the detailed maps, or in
pdf format for the overall pesticide summary for each region.


This data was previously available on the DOC Geoportal, easily enabling
integration in websites and mapping applications. Up-to-date versions are
in jpeg and pdf format only. These formats, while being easy for human
eyes to view on the DOC website, make it extremely difficult to integrate
the underlying data in dynamic maps.


Assuming the jpeg maps are produced using vector data within a GIS
application, then can you please publish the original vector data in a
format that is easily useable by software developers, as was previously
available in the DOC Geo-portal.


Department Response


The up to date pesticide data you have requested will be added to the DOC
Geo-portal and be available by Monday 26 October 2015.  You will be able
to utilise it as you have previously.




Dave Hunt

National Advisor Operations (Kaiwhiri Ruruku ā Motu)
Operations | Department of Conservation | PO Box 10-420, Wellington -
6143| 18-32 Manners Street,  Wellington - 6011
VPN: 8628 | DDI: +64 4 494 1428| FAX: +64 4 381 3057 | MOBILE: +64 27 273
4949 | E-Mail: [2][email address]






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2. mailto:[email address]

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From: Simon Kerr

Dear David Hunt,

Thanks very much for your response and support in this matter. I look forward o being able to access the information once it is added to the geoportal.

Yours sincerely,

Simon Kerr

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Things to do with this request

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