Data logging of Students internet usage

[User 80394] (Account suspended) made this Official Information request to Naenae College

The request was successful.

From: [User 80394] (Account suspended)

Dear Naenae College,

This is a request for information, made under ss 4 and 5 of the Official Information Act 1982 (“the Act”). I, therefore, would like the following information;

1. How internet usage of students is stored.
2. How does the school or its networks block or restrict access to the internet
3. How does the school or its networks block or restrict access to VPNs.
4. List of websites that are censored by the school or its network.
5. Does the school use any Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology.
6. Can teachers access students files.
7. Can the school or its network admins in any way change, edit, censor, or influence any sites accessed by students.
8. Any internal discussions or documents about or related to Data logging of Students internet usage.
9. How much does the school pay for it's internet bandwidth.
10. What is the school's policy for Tor, short for "The Onion Router".
11. What is the school's policy for VPNs (Virtual Private Network).
12. Does the school use any radio frequency jammers.

I also request any internal discussions or documents about or related to the questions/subjects above.

Please CONFIRM receipt of this email to prevent unnecessary follow-up emails and extensions being requested. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

As required by s12(1) of the Act, I am a New Zealand citizen. I will provide confirmation of this, if required. However, since all of our correspondence will be published on the site, I will only do so over the phone or email, with which you provide. This would only be for the purpose of citizenship confirmation, and nothing further related to this request.

As required by s13(c) of the Act, if this request “has not been made … to the appropriate department or Minister of the Crown or organisation or local authority”, it is your duty to give reasonable assistance to me to direct my request to the appropriate department or Minister of the Crown or organisation or local authority.

Further to the above statutory requirement, under s14 of the Act, if the information I seek is either not held or you believe it is more closely connected with another department or Minister of the Crown or organisation, or of a local authority you shall promptly, and in any case not later than 10 working days after the day on which the request is received, transfer the request to the other department or Minister of the Crown or organisation, or to that local authority, AND inform me accordingly.

As required under s15A of the Act, if you believe that a time extension is warranted for this request, you must under ss15A(2),(3) and (4) give notice to me of this extension within 20 working days after the day on which my request was received. In that notice, you should state; the period of the extension, give reasons for the extension and remind me of my right to complain to the Ombudsman under s28(3). Finally, the extension must be for a reasonable time, having regards to the circumstances.

As required by s18B of the Act, you must consider consulting me before refusing my request under the provisions of ss18(e) and (f) which relate to a document not being able to be found or existing or where substantial collation and research would be required for my current request.

As required by s19(a)(i), you must provide reasons if you refuse any parts of this request.

I will, if required, complain to the Ombudsman, as is my right under s28(3) of the Act, if any of the above statutory requirements on you are not complied with. Further to this, if your reply is not “as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any case not later than 20 working days after the day on which the request is received” as required under s15(1) of the Act, I will also complain to the Ombudsman.

This request is made through the site All correspondence will be automatically forwarded to me through the site and published online immediately. I require, where appropriate, all electronic copies of all documents in your response. For more information on how the site works, please visit

Yours faithfully,

[User 80394 name removed by]

Link to this

From: Nicole Rose
Naenae College

Hello there,
Please see the response below. 
1. How internet usage of students is stored.

A limited amount of information concerning student usage data is held by
N4L for a period of up to 45 days.  This information is held securely at a
data center within New Zealand.  All information is stored according to
the terms and conditions of schools’ agreement with N4L

2. How does the school or its networks block or restrict access to the

Naenae College uses N4L’s Managed Network.  This means that Naenae College
is provided with tools that enable the school to manage what types of
content are available at school. 

3. How does the school or its networks block or restrict access to VPNs.

VPNs are among the categories of blocks a school may choose to implement.

4. List of websites that are censored by the school or its network.

Naenae College uses N4L’s Managed Network.  This means that Naenae College
is provided with tools that enable the school to manage what types of
content are available at school. Naenae College does not hold this

5. Does the school use any Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology.


6. Can teachers access students files.


7. Can the school or its network admins in any way change, edit, censor,
or influence any sites accessed by students.

N4L does not provide any tools to make this possible. 

8. Any internal discussions or documents about or related to Data logging
of Students internet usage.

There are no records pertaining to this request. 

9. How much does the school pay for it's internet bandwidth.

Naenae College uses N4L’s Managed Network, which is provided free to the

10. What is the school's policy for Tor, short for "The Onion Router".

Policies are available to the public

on how to access.

11. What is the school's policy for VPNs (Virtual Private Network).

Policies are available to the public

on how to access.

12. Does the school use any radio frequency jammers.
Many thanks,
Nicole Rose 
Business Operations Manager
910 High Street, Lower Hutt
T: 04-5677175 EXTN 821

Instagram pages: nnc_nz and naenaecollege_careers

Facebook Pages: nncolsport and naenae college

Youtube: Naenae College NZ Official

Website: [6]

This email message is intended solely for the person or entity to which it
is addressed. The information it contains is confidential and may be
legally privileged. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use
of this email may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient,
please notify us immediately and destroy the email from all sources. 
On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 7:41 PM [User 80394 name removed by]
<[7][FOI #20688 email]> wrote:

Dear Naenae College,

This is a request for information, made under ss 4 and 5 of the Official
Information Act 1982 (“the Act”). I, therefore, would like the following

1. How internet usage of students is stored.
2. How does the school or its networks block or restrict access to the
3. How does the school or its networks block or restrict access to VPNs.
4. List of websites that are censored by the school or its network.
5. Does the school use any Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology.
6. Can teachers access students files.
7. Can the school or its network admins in any way change, edit, censor,
or influence any sites accessed by students.
8. Any internal discussions or documents about or related to Data
logging of Students internet usage.
9. How much does the school pay for it's internet bandwidth.
10. What is the school's policy for Tor, short for "The Onion Router".
11. What is the school's policy for VPNs (Virtual Private Network).
12. Does the school use any radio frequency jammers.

I also request any internal discussions or documents about or related to
the questions/subjects above.

Please CONFIRM receipt of this email to prevent unnecessary follow-up
emails and extensions being requested.

As required by s12(1) of the Act, I am a New Zealand citizen. I will
provide confirmation of this, if required. However, since all of our
correspondence will be published on the [8] site, I will only
do so over the phone or email, with which you provide. This would only
be for the purpose of citizenship confirmation, and nothing further
related to this request.

As required by s13(c) of the Act, if this request “has not been made …
to the appropriate department or Minister of the Crown or organisation
or local authority”, it is your duty to give reasonable assistance to me
to direct my request to the appropriate department or Minister of the
Crown or organisation or local authority.

Further to the above statutory requirement, under s14 of the Act, if the
information I seek is either not held or you believe it is more closely
connected with another department or Minister of the Crown or
organisation, or of a local authority you shall promptly, and in any
case not later than 10 working days after the day on which the request
is received, transfer the request to the other department or Minister of
the Crown or organisation, or to that local authority, AND inform me

As required under s15A of the Act, if you believe that a time extension
is warranted for this request, you must under ss15A(2),(3) and (4) give
notice to me of this extension within 20 working days after the day on
which my request was received. In that notice, you should state; the
period of the extension, give reasons for the extension and remind me of
my right to complain to the Ombudsman under s28(3). Finally, the
extension must be for a reasonable time, having regards to the

As required by s18B of the Act, you must consider consulting me before
refusing my request under the provisions of ss18(e) and (f) which relate
to a document not being able to be found or existing or where
substantial collation and research would be required for my current

As required by s19(a)(i), you must provide reasons if you refuse any
parts of this request.

I will, if required, complain to the Ombudsman, as is my right under
s28(3) of the Act, if any of the above statutory requirements on you are
not complied with. Further to this, if your reply is not “as soon as
reasonably practicable, and in any case not later than 20 working days
after the day on which the request is received” as required under s15(1)
of the Act, I will also complain to the Ombudsman.

This request is made through the site [9] All correspondence
will be automatically forwarded to me through the site and published
online immediately. I require, where appropriate, all electronic copies
of all documents in your response. For more information on how the site
works, please visit [10]

Yours faithfully,

[User 80394 name removed by]


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[11][FOI #20688 email]

Is [12][Naenae College request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to Naenae College? If so, please contact us using
this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published
on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer,
please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA
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