Information relating to STAR Cisco courses and T205, T206 & T302 papers
Cody C made this Official Information request to Universal College of Learning
The request was successful.
From: Cody C
Dear Universal College of Learning,
I am requesting all information relating to STAR Cisco courses and the T205, T206 & T302 papers under the Official Information Act 1982 (including, but NOT limited to, learning outcomes, manuals, memos, notes and cross crediting procedures between the STAR Cisco courses and the T205/T206 papers).
For the purposes of the Act, I am a New Zealand citizen and residing in New Zealand at the time of making this request. You generally have 20 working days to respond to this notice, as required by law. Your response will be published publically on the website.
Yours faithfully,
Cody C
From: Cody C
Dear Universal College of Learning,
I am still awaiting your response or acknowledgement.
Yours faithfully,
Cody C
From: Carol Christison
Universal College of Learning
Dear Cody
I refer to your Official Information Act request received by UCOL’s general enquiry email address on the 8th February 2015.
We have considered your request and given this will involve extensive and substantial collation, we intend to fix a charge under section 15 of the Official Information Act. We expect it will take 8 hours to compile the information requested, and therefore the quoted charge as per the charging guidelines will be: 8 hours less the first hour (no charge is applicable for less than one hours work) = 7 hours x $38 per half hour (staff time) = $532.00 (incl GST). We will in this instance waive any costs related to any applicable photocopying which would carry a fee of 20 cents for each page after the first 20 pages.
However, further to the above, we have appended UCOL’s policy and procedure which details the information you have requested regarding UCOL’s process for recognition of prior learning and cross crediting. This information is also readily available on UCOL’s student intranet site.
If you wish to proceed with the information request, and in turn accepting the charge outlined above, we will require the total charge to be paid in full and in advance of providing the requested information.
You have the right by way of complaint under Section 28(3) of the Official Information Act to seek an investigation and review of this response by the Ombudsman.
Yours sincerely,
Carol Christison
UCOL Privacy Officer
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From: Cody C
Dear Carol Christison,
I strongly urge you to reconsider your response to this request.
I refute your statement that it will take 8 hours to collate this information considering that many of the staff involved in the areas of this request already deal with this information on a regular basis and as such should be easily able to be collected.
Yours sincerely,
Cody C
From: Carol Christison
Universal College of Learning
Dear Cody
Thanks for your response. The information you have requested is wide and comprehensive (... information relating to STAR Cisco courses and the T205, T206 & T302 papers ... including, but NOT limited to, learning outcomes, manuals, memos, notes ...) and will be spread across numerous sources and repositories in our organisation and will extend back a number of years, and as a result this will take considerable time for our staff to research and collate. In view of this, we believe the 8 hours to undertake this exercise is conservative. Therefore our decision to charge still stands.
We would happily consider a narrower or more specific information request which may as a result not be so time consuming for our staff to compile.
Yours sincerely,
Carol Christison
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From: Cody C
Dear Carol Christison,
I write in regards to your proposed costs. Under Section 15, Subsection 2 of the Official Information Act 1982:
"Any charge fixed shall be reasonable and regard may be had to the cost of the labour and materials involved in making the information available and to any costs incurred pursuant to a request of the applicant to make the information available urgently."
I am happy to receive information from only the preceding 2 whole years (1 Jan 2013 to day of this request, 27 Jun 2015), if this would make the request more easy to complete.
Please also reply with confirmation that your staff are paid $76 per hour, as I would find this to be exceptionally unusual for a tertiary institution. If this matter is not resolved promptly I will be taking this request further with the Office of the Ombudsman.
Yours sincerely,
Cody C
From: Carol Christison
Universal College of Learning
Dear Cody
Can you please state specifically the type of information you are seeking for the period 1 January 2013 to the 27th June 2015. This will enable us to assess the amount of time it will take to compile the information requested and whether we will be fixing a charge to this request.
In response to the charging, as a Crown entity UCOL applies the Ministry of Justice charging guidelines for Official Information Act requests hence the charging of $38 for each half hour (if the total time involved is in excess of one hour).
Yours sincerely
Carol Christison
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From: Cody C
Dear Carol Christison,
Thank you for your prompt response. I have narrowed my request down as much as I can, as follows. Please provide:
* Course descriptors for the T205, T206 & T302 papers
* Procedure for crediting the equivalent STAR Cisco courses to the T205, T206 & T302 papers
under the Official Information Act 1982. I would prefer an electronic response.
Yours sincerely,
Cody C
From: Carol Christison
Universal College of Learning
Thank you for your email. I am out of the office returning Wednesday. I
will respond to your email upon my return. For urgent emails, please
contact Maree Pritchard on [email address].
From: Carol Christison
Universal College of Learning
Dear Cody
As per your request below, please find attached the information you have requested, that is:-
1. The UCOL Recognition of Prior Learning policy and procedure that is used for crediting STAR Cisco courses to T205, T206 and T302 papers; and
2. Course descriptors for T205, T206 and T302.
Yours sincerely,
Carol Christison
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence