Medal policy and mounting
john luke made this Official Information request to New Zealand Police
The request was successful.
From: john luke
Dear New Zealand Police,
I would Iike to request any internal policy or manual documents in relation to medal wearing. Also does nz police has approved medal mounting company list, if so, may I request to view your list? Who pay for the cost of medal mounting?
Yours faithfully,
john luke
From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Police
Tēnā koe John
I acknowledge receipt of your Official Information Act (OIA) request below, received by New Zealand Police on 25 September 2022.
Your request is being actioned pursuant to the OIA. You can expect a response to your request on or before 25 October 2022.
Mark Hanna left an annotation ()
A response to this request was due no later than yesterday. I recommend you complain to the Ombudsman about this unlawful delay.
Complaining about unlawful delays helps ensure the Ombudsman is aware of the scale of the problem, as well as putting pressure on Police to improve their OIA practices. If you complain about this unlawful delay, it might mean other OIA requests handled by Police will receive more timely responses than they would have otherwise.
If it's useful, I have a template I use for complaining about unlawful delays like this one that you'd be welcome to use:
From: john luke
Thank you Mark, the complaint has been made due to the police’s delay
Yours sincerely,
john luke
From: Ministerial Services
New Zealand Police
Tēnā koe John
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
request, received by New Zealand Police on 25 September 2022.
Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in providing you with
this response.
Ministerial Services - Police National Headquarters
The information contained in this email message is intended for the
addressee only and may contain privileged information. It may also be
subject to the provisions of section 50 of the Policing Act 2008, which
creates an offence to have unlawful possession of Police property. If you
are not the intended recipient of this message or have received this
message in error, you must not peruse, use, distribute or copy this
message or any of its contents.
Also note, the views expressed in this message may not necessarily reflect
those of the New Zealand Police. If you have received this message in
error, please email or telephone the sender immediately
Mark Hanna left an annotation ()
The "Honours awards and commendations" document released to you on 15 December, 37 working days after the legal deadline for your request of 25 October 2022, was proactively released by NZ Police on their website in October.
This document was extracted from their internal systems on 18 October, which was after NZ Police had received your request but before your request's deadline. Even if NZ Police's response hadn't been egregiously overdue, you would have had grounds to complain to the Ombudsman as it seems abundantly clear that it would have been reasonably practicable for NZ Police to release this document to you much sooner.
Likewise, NZ Police had already proactively released the "Uniform, dress standards and appearance" document on their website in September 2022. On 12 October, NZ Police responded to a separate OIA request for this document to inform the requester that the version on their website was still current.
Though they have been released to you now, both of these documents are available on, along with information describing how they were made available:
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Mark Hanna left an annotation ()
I expect the Police Manual chapter "Ceremonial - Part 01 Orders Decorations and Medals" will fall within the scope of your request.
There are nine chapters within the "Ceremonial" section of the Police Manual, but as far as I'm aware only the "Flag flying" chapter has been released publicly before. You can find a list of Police Manual chapters at
Link to this