Rates Calculation
Colin Bailey made this Official Information request to Palmerston North City Council
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Colin Bailey to read recent responses and update the status.
From: Colin Bailey
Dear Palmerston North City Council,
Please disclose the formula for the calculation of annual rates. Acknowledge that PNCC Finance Strat Manager states in an article
“rates are a property tax, not a charge for services, rates are based on property valuations , in Palmerston north’s case, on land valuations excluding the value of actual homes and building’s"
I own several rental properties which have gone up considerably, in comparison to other what I consider "elite" properties. I feel that as a rental property owner I am being unfairly targeted. If the council is able to disclose a formula for how the rates are calculated, this would sit better with me.
Yours faithfully,
Colin Bailey
From: info
Palmerston North City Council
Thank you for your email. We will respond as soon as possible.
Customer Services
06 356 8199
From: LGOIMA Requests
Palmerston North City Council
Kia ora Colin,
Council refers to your request made under the Local Government Official
Information and Meetings Act 1987. Your request for information was
received by Council on 29/8/22.
Under Section 13 of the above Act, Council is required, as soon as
reasonably practical, and in no case later than 20 working days after the
date of which the request is received to:
(a) Decide whether the request is to be granted and, if it is to
be granted, in what manner and for what charge (if any); and
(b) Give or post to the person who made the request notice of
the decision on the request.
For your request, the 20 working days period has been calculated as being
no later than 26/9/22.
Please note that Council is permitted to make a reasonable charge for the
cost of labour and materials involved in making the information available,
and for any costs incurred pursuant to a request to make the information
available urgently. If a charge is to be imposed, you will be advised
before your request is processed.
Please also note that if Council declines your request in whole or part,
or if a charge is imposed for the supply of information, you have the
right to have the Council’s decision reviewed by the Office of the
Ombudsman. The Office of the Ombudsman can be contacted at
[1]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
Kāti ake nei
Legal Services
Palmerston North City Council
[2][IMG] Te Marae o Hine − 32 The Square
Private Bag 11034, Palmerston North 4442
06 356 8199
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From: LGOIMA Requests
Palmerston North City Council
Kia ora Colin,
I refer to your official information request dated 29 August 2022 for the
formula of how the rates are calculated for Palmerston North city.
The Rrates are made up of a number of charges and components these are set
in the Resolution of Council to Set Rates. This Resolution along with the
attached extract from the 2022/23 published Annual Budget show how the
different charges are set and assessed for the year.
o Link to Council Resolution to Set Rates for the 2022/2023 year:
[1]Minutes of Council - Wednesday, 29 June 2022 (infocouncil.biz) –
see page 17 onwards (Item 8 (Clause 72) Appendix One).
o Link to full Annual Budget: [2]Annual Budget | Palmerston North City
Council (pncc.govt.nz)
Further information on Rates and rating values is available on our
website: [3]Rates and rating values | Palmerston North City Council
Without knowing the details of the particular properties you are referring
to it is difficult to provide any further information that would aid your
understanding of the position.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of
this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at
[4]www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi,
Official Information Team
Legal Services
Palmerston North City Council
[5][IMG] Te Marae o Hine − 32 The Square
Private Bag 11034, Palmerston North 4442
06 356 8199
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
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