List of OIA requests complied with by the Minister for Justice

Mr Drummond made this Official Information request to Minister of Justice

The request was successful.

From: Mr Drummond

Dear Minister of Justice,

I am writing seeking a list of the subjects of requests to the Minister of Justice, made under the Official Information Act within the last 5 years, that were
not refused.

In response, I would like a list comprising the date of receipt, the date of compliance, and the subject the OIA request.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Drummond

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Alex Harris left an annotation ()

Have FYI's Ministerial contact details been updated for the recent change?

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From: Courtney Brown

Attachment 08092014105352 0001.pdf
46K Download View as HTML

Good morning


Please find correspondence attached.


Kind regards


Courtney Brown


Courtney Brown | Justice Private Secretary

Parliament Buildings, Wellington




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From: Paltridge, Antony

Attachment image001.jpg
15K Download

Dear Mr Drummond


The Ministry of Justice is assisting the Office of the Acting Minister of
Justice in responding to your request.  You have asked for "a list of the
subjects of requests to the Minister of Justice, made under the Official
Information Act within the last 5 years, that were not refused.  In
response, I would like a list comprising the date of receipt, the date of
compliance, and the subject of the OIA request."


There have been more than 300 Official Information Act requests to the
Minister of Justice over the last five years, and the Ministry's database
does not state whether a particular request was refused or not refused,
either in full or in part.   To be able to answer that question would
require us to assess each individual paper file, many of which are held by
different business units and in different locations. It will therefore be
very difficult to find each individual response.


Rather than refuse this request due to the significant research required
(as referred to in section 18(f) of the OIA), can I ask you to refine your
request?  Do you need all five years or will a lesser number be ok?


Within the limits required by the Act, we can provide the date of receipt,
date of compliance, and the subject of OIA requests to the Minister (but
are unable to indicate those that were not refused, either in full or
part, or were refused).  Is this acceptable?










[1]Description: Description: Description: Antony Paltridge
Team Leader (Media and
External Relations) |
Communication Services
DDI: +64 4 918 8980 |
Ext 58980 | Mob +64 27
689 0667





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From: Mr Drummond

Dear Antony,

Thanks for your prompt and considerate response.

Would it be acceptable to limit the scope to the preceding 3 years?

With respect to being unable to indicate which response was given - can you please let me know if would be possible to indicate the volume of the response? E.g number of pages or size on disk in kilobytes?

Thanks again for your reasonable consideration of this request.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Drummond

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From: Paltridge, Antony

I am on Annual Leave. Please contact Matt Torbit on (04) 918 8836 or Jimmy
Ellingham on (04) 4949967 or email [email address]


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Thank you.


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Luke C left an annotation ()

This is a great response from the Ministry of Justice.

I don't think you should worry too much about the file size because if it appears too large to email it, they would likely post it to you in the format you prefer, such as an Excel spreadsheet on a CD, or Excel spreadhsheet uploaded to a file sharing website.

I assume the form it will take is an Excel spreadsheet with column headings of the date of receipt and answer, and subject.

I do think you should give them approval to proceed with what they have offered, namely "... the date of receipt, date of compliance, and the subject of OIA requests to the Minister (but are unable to indicate those that were not refused, either in full or part, or were refused)."

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Mr Drummond left an annotation ()

I think you have misunderstood my request - I'm asking for some metadata - the size of the response given by the ministry to the original applicant. This serves as a proxy to identify where information has been provided. The assumption is that few meaningful responses are shorter than the decline response.

Safe assumption?

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Luke C left an annotation ()

I'm not sure that I have misunderstood your request. I've re-read it. You want the subjects and dates of granted requests over the past three years. I agree that this constitutes the metadata of OIA requests.

I do not understand the rest of what you say.

I wouldn't necessarily say that the body content of a response to a granted OIA request would be shorter than a declined OIA request. In fact, I think it might be the other way around.

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From: Stuart McGilvray

Attachment 211014 Response to Drummond OIA.pdf
1.4M Download View as HTML

Please see attached response


Stuart McGilvray | Justice Private Secretary

Office of Hon Amy Adams | Parliament Buildings, Wellington



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Anatoly Kern left an annotation ()

It is interesting that not all of the requests proceeded even via this website are shown on the list.

e.g. there are missing ones like, showing that MoJ is quite selective in what they keep track of.

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Things to do with this request

Minister of Justice only: