Annual leasing cost to the crown of properties sold to Iwi as part of treaty settlement commitments
Mike Patrick made this Official Information request to Kelvin Davis
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Mike Patrick to read recent responses and update the status.
From: Mike Patrick
Dear Kelvin Davis,
As part of the redress provided to iwi under treaty settlements the crown often offers iwi the opportunity to buy properties owned and used by the crown for things like police stations, courts, schools provided the crown can lease those properties back from the iwi so it can still be used as a police station etc.
Can you please tell me the number of properties sold and leased back by the crown to iwi every year since the year 2000, the sale price of those properties and the annual rents paid by the crown. Ideally please provide this information for each property, but if that is too difficult then just the total sale value each year and the total amount of rent paid by the crown each year.
I understand two iwi have as part of their treaty settlements with the crown a relativity mechanism arrangement where once the value of all treaty settlements exceeds one billion dollars they receive 16 or 17% of the amount over one billion dollars paid directly to the iwi. Can you please tell me how much additional money under this relativity mechanism has been paid to each iwi, and what if any estimates you have for the amount of payments in future years. Please also advise how much of the annual rent payable for properties sold by the crown to Iwi and leased back to the crown has and is contributing to the amount of additional money the two Iwi receive to retaIn relativity with other treaty settlements.
Yours faithfully,
Mike Patrick
From: K Davis (MIN)
Kelvin Davis
Kia ora
Thank you for contacting Hon Kelvin Davis, Minister of Corrections,
Minister for Mâori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti, Minister for Children,
Associate Minister of Education (Mâori), and MP for Te Tai Tokerau.
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The Office of Hon Kelvin Davis
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From: Fraser Robinson
Tçnâ koe Mike,
On behalf of Hon Kelvin Davis, thank you for your email of 12 May 2022. In
your email you requested the following information under the Official
Information Act 1982:
1. Can you please tell me the number of properties sold and leased
back by the crown to iwi every year since the year 2000, the sale price of
those properties and the annual rents paid by the crown. Ideally please
provide this information for each property, but if that is too difficult
then just the total sale value each year and the total amount of rent paid
by the crown each year.
2. I understand two iwi have as part of their treaty settlements
with the crown a relativity mechanism arrangement where once the value of
all treaty settlements exceeds one billion dollars they receive 16 or 17%
of the amount over one billion dollars paid directly to the iwi. Can you
please tell me how much additional money under this relativity mechanism
has been paid to each iwi, and what if any estimates you have for the
amount of payments in future years. Please also advise how much of the
annual rent payable for properties sold by the crown to Iwi and leased
back to the crown has and is contributing to the amount of additional
money the two Iwi receive to retain relativity with other treaty
The information you requested is not held by the Minister for Mâori Crown
Relations – Te Arawhiti. As such, it has been agreed that your request be
transferred to the Office of Mâori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti (the
agency) for response under section 14 of the Act as the information
requested is more closely connected with the functions of the agency.
You will hear further from Te Arawhiti regarding your request in due
course. Thank you.
Nâku noa, nâ
Fraser Robinson (He/him) | Private Secretary (Mâori Crown Relations: Te
Office of Hon Kelvin Davis|
Private Bag 18041 | Parliament Buildings | Wellington 6160 | New Zealand
Âta whakaarohia a Papatûânuku i mua i tô tânga i tçnei î-mçra
Dear Kelvin Davis,
As part of the redress provided to iwi under treaty settlements the crown
often offers iwi the opportunity to buy properties owned and used by the
crown for things like police stations, courts, schools provided the crown
can lease those properties back from the iwi so it can still be used as a
police station etc.
Can you please tell me the number of properties sold and leased back by
the crown to iwi every year since the year 2000, the sale price of those
properties and the annual rents paid by the crown. Ideally please provide
this information for each property, but if that is too difficult then just
the total sale value each year and the total amount of rent paid by the
crown each year.
I understand two iwi have as part of their treaty settlements with the
crown a relativity mechanism arrangement where once the value of all
treaty settlements exceeds one billion dollars they receive 16 or 17% of
the amount over one billion dollars paid directly to the iwi. Can you
please tell me how much additional money under this relativity mechanism
has been paid to each iwi, and what if any estimates you have for the
amount of payments in future years. Please also advise how much of the
annual rent payable for properties sold by the crown to Iwi and leased
back to the crown has and is contributing to the amount of additional
money the two Iwi receive to retaIn relativity with other treaty
Mike Patrick
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Kia ora Mike,
This email acknowledges receipt of your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA). Te Arawhiti will respond within the statutory timeframes.
Please note: Te Arawhiti will be proactively publishing OIA responses that are likely to be of public interest. In relation to your OIA request, Te Arawhiti will review our response to you and decide whether or not to publish it as is or in part on our website – This decision will be notified in our OIA response letter to you.
Publication, if decided, will occur no less than 20 working days after you receive our response. Your name, contact details and any other identifying information will be removed.
Ngā mihi,
Tēnā koe Mike Patrick
Thank you for your request for information under the Official Information Act (1982).
Please find attached a response to your request.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Please visit for information about this process or telephone the Office of the Ombudsman on 0800 802 602.
In our initial acknowledgement to your request, we advised that we would consider publishing the response to our website under our proactive release programme. I can advise that we have considered this and the response falls outside of the scope for release. As such, it will not be publicly released.
If you have any queries or concerns please contact us.
Ngā mihi
The Office for Māori Crown Relations - Te Arawhiti
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