Number of closed file reviews, who undertook them, what were the outcomes

Gloria Ashton made this Official Information request to Health and Disability Commissioner

The request was partially successful.

From: Gloria Ashton

Dear Health and Disability Commissioner,

Between 2010 and 2020, how many closed file reviews were undertaken at the HDC?

Of these closed file reviews, how many were reviewed by the legal team, and how many were reviewed by a decision-maker (i.e. commissioner or deputy commissioner) who was not involved in the original review and decision.

How many complainants requested a closed file review during these years?

How many complainants during these years expressed that they were not satisfied with the HDC's decision on their complaint and/or that they wanted more information gathered, further investigation, a formal investigation, re-opening of their complaint, or another form of further action to be taken

Of the closed file reviews undertaken, how many resulted in a complaint being re-opened for further information to be obtained, and how many resulted in a different decision being made on that complaint (e.g. no further action decision then changed to formal investigation)?

How does the HDC decide whether or not it is appropriate to refer a complaint to the Medical Council?

How many times between 2010-2020 did the HDC close a complaint with no action or no further action decision and refer the complaint to the Medical Council?

Is it possible for the HDC to refer only part of a complaint to the Medical Council?

How does the HDC ensure that it is clear that only part of a complaint, not the whole of a complaint, is being referred when a referral is made to the Medical Council (or to another regulatory/registration authority such as nursing council, dental council etc)?

Yours faithfully,

Gloria Ashton

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From: Craig Goodwillie
Health and Disability Commissioner

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Dear Ms Ashton,

Thank you for your email.

Your request for information will be processed accordance with the
Official Information Act and or the Privacy Act, and you will receive a
response as soon as reasonably practicable and in accordance with the time
frames set out in that legislation.  


Dr Craig Goodwillie  
OIA Advisor
Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner
PO Box 11934, Wellington 6142│ Level 11, TechnologyOne House, Wellington
DDI (04) 494 7914
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From:        Gloria Ashton
<[FOI #17969 email]>
To:        OIA/LGOIMA requests at Health and Disability Commissioner
<[Health and Disability Commissioner request email]>
Date:        16/12/2021 09:18 a.m.
Subject:        Official Information request - Number of closed file
reviews, who undertook them, what were the outcomes


Dear Health and Disability Commissioner,

Between 2010 and 2020, how many closed file reviews were undertaken at the

Of these closed file reviews, how many were reviewed by the legal team,
and how many were reviewed by a decision-maker (i.e. commissioner or
deputy commissioner) who was not involved in the original review and

How many complainants requested a closed file review during these years?

How many complainants during these years expressed that they were not
satisfied with the HDC's decision on their complaint and/or that they
wanted more information gathered, further investigation, a formal
investigation, re-opening of their complaint, or another form of further
action to be taken

Of the closed file reviews undertaken, how many resulted in a complaint
being re-opened for further information to be obtained, and how many
resulted in a different decision being made on that complaint (e.g. no
further action decision then changed to formal investigation)?

How does the HDC decide whether or not it is appropriate to refer a
complaint to the Medical Council?

How many times between 2010-2020 did the HDC close a complaint with no
action or no further action decision and refer the complaint to the
Medical Council?

Is it possible for the HDC to refer only part of a complaint to the
Medical Council?

How does the HDC ensure that it is clear that only part of a complaint,
not the whole of a complaint, is being referred when a referral is made to
the Medical Council (or to another regulatory/registration authority such
as nursing council, dental council etc)?

Yours faithfully,

Gloria Ashton

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recipient and may be legally privileged. You may not copy or disclose this
email to anyone without the written permission of the sender. It is not
necessarily the view nor an official communication of the Health and
Disability Commissioner. If you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender immediately and delete this message.


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From: William Richardson
Health and Disability Commissioner

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Attachment signed letter 3 February 2022 re Ashton.pdf
168K Download View as HTML

Good afternoon

Please find attached a response letter.

Ngā mihi

Will Richardson
Legal Clerk
Te Toihau Hauora, Hauātanga  | Office of the Health and Disability
PO Box 11934, Wellington 6142│ Level 11, TechnologyOne House, Wellington
Phone: 0800 112 233
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The information contained in this document is confidential to the intended
recipient and may be legally privileged. You may not copy or disclose this
email to anyone without the written permission of the sender. It is not
necessarily the view nor an official communication of the Health and
Disability Commissioner. If you have received this email in error, please
notify the sender immediately and delete this message.


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Things to do with this request

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