Suspect Medicine Vaccine Death

Chris McCashin made this Official Information request to Ministry of Health

The request was partially successful.

From: Chris McCashin

Dear Ministry of Health,

Medsafe has recorded that the death of a 17 year old following the Covid-19 vaccine but it was potentially another 'suspect medicine' which would be considered by the Medicine Adverse Reactions in Due Course.

Can you please name the 'suspect medicine' and the pharmaceutical manufacturer so that the public are aware what the 'suspect medicine' is and people can avoid it?

If it recorded by Medsafe on the death register as a potential side effect of the Pfizer vaccine does that mean the manufacturer of the 'suspect medicine' can not be held liable because it is recorded against the vaccine which Pfizer are indemnified for?

Last count there were 60 deaths recorded as adverse reactions with these numbers continuing to go up but coincidentally they remain under investigation. Also of note and recently added to the Medsafe report were that 749 people had died within 21 days of administration of the Pfizer vaccine. How is this not a massive red flag?

Given Medsafe approve the vaccine and then investigate the deaths is this is a conflict of interest? How many deaths need to be recorded before Medsafe actually investigate these and provide transparent reporting.

Surely this is of a national emergency given the government is trying to by stealth force this on 90% of the population including children!

How many deaths are required before an independent agency is appointed to investigate all of these deaths properly? Do we need to get to four figures? Maybe 1,000. One case of the disease (not death) shuts down and bankrupts our country yet 60 deaths likely more from the vaccine we are just told that there is nothing to see here.

Yours faithfully,

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victor left an annotation ()

The single solitary classification of 'likely' for mycocarditis of female 50+

Methodology for the process leading to classification of 'likely' requires transparency.

Equally then the methodology for how 17y female classification of 'unlikely' was arrived at both having had the same product injected into their body.

Assessment methodology the process the people and the flows are currently and unsubstantiated black box for which pieces can be garnered.

OIA for full methodology including people process and all tools and frameworks involved in the process.

50s female mycocarditis - Likely
17 female blood clots - Unlikely

Comparative transparency analysis can then proceed to shine light into the blackness of this space.

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victor left an annotation ()


Without transparency of the baseline underreporting rate being used in the background rates comparison.

There can't be a meaningful background rates comparison.

Baseline underreporting rate must be made public because there is an underreporting rate.

On top of this using background rates (population cohort) which have not been injected with comirnaty mrna is beyond farce.

Comparing those injected with comirnaty mrna against those not injected with comirnaty mrna and stating 'comirnaty injected groups experience improved all cause mortality' versus the group not injected with comirnaty mrna.

Is what MEDSAFE summary reports are stating in written word.

"To date, the observed number of deaths reported after vaccination is actually less than the expected number of natural deaths"

[Injected with comirnaty mrna offers improvement in all cause mortality (background rates)]

1. Underreporting baseline rate
2. Comparison of comirnaty mrna against non comirnaty mrna injected

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Kia ora Chris,


Thank you for your request for official information received on 4 October
2021 for:


"Medsafe has recorded that the death of a 17 year old following the
Covid-19 vaccine but it was potentially another 'suspect medicine' which
would be considered by the Medicine Adverse Reactions in Due Course.


Can you please name the 'suspect medicine' and the pharmaceutical
manufacturer so that the public are aware what the 'suspect medicine' is
and people can avoid it?


If it recorded by Medsafe on the death register as a potential side effect
of the Pfizer vaccine does that mean the manufacturer of the 'suspect
medicine' can not be held liable because it is recorded against the
vaccine which Pfizer are indemnified for?


Last count there were 60 deaths recorded as adverse reactions with these
numbers continuing to go up but coincidentally they remain under
investigation.  Also of note and recently added to the Medsafe report were
that 749 people had died within 21 days of administration of the Pfizer
vaccine.  How is this not a massive red flag?


Given Medsafe approve the vaccine and then investigate the deaths is this
is a conflict of interest? How many deaths need to be recorded before
Medsafe actually investigate these and provide transparent reporting.


Surely this is of a national emergency given the government is trying to
by stealth force this on 90% of the population including children!


How many deaths are required before an independent agency is appointed to
investigate all of these deaths properly? Do we need to get to four
figures? Maybe 1,000.  One case of the disease (not death) shuts down and
bankrupts our country yet 60 deaths likely more from the vaccine we are
just told that there is nothing to see here.”


The Ministry's reference number for your request is: H202113613.


As required under the Official Information Act 1982, the Ministry will
endeavour to respond to your request no later than 2 November 2021, being
20 working days after the day your request was received.


Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic response, the Ministry is experiencing
significantly higher volumes of queries and requests for information. If
we are unable to respond to your request within this time frame, we will
notify you of an extension of that time frame.


If you have any queries related to this request, please do not hesitate to
get in touch.


Ngâ mihi


OIA Services

Government Services

Office of the Director-General

Ministry of Health

E: [1][email address]


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From: OIA Requests

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Attachment H202113613 response letter.pdf
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Kia ora Chris,


Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information.


Ngā mihi,


OIA Services

Government Services

Office of the Director-General

Ministry of Health

E: [email address]



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From: Alistar


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From: Alistar


We're specializing in Email promotion.
If you do not get the order for a long time and have no idea how to do it
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We not only let you successfully get an order, but also let your shop get
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This is Alistar from BOT-CLOUD Co., Ltd, over 10 years in the Email
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We have already helped hundreds of companies' performance problems, for
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Things to do with this request

Ministry of Health only: