Diversity and Inclusion Training for Staff (MCH)

Nic Lane made this Official Information request to Ministry for Culture and Heritage

The request was partially successful.

From: Nic Lane

Dear Ministry for Culture and Heritage,

Are you please able to provide what diversity and inclusion training has been provided to staff over the last three financial years, including the procurement process, suppliers, and content delivered.

What has staff uptake looked like across this time, in terms of departments, within management positions, and what total hours/days investment has been.

What has staff turnover looked like across this period, How is this work reflected in staff attitudes, and what is currently included in the recruitment/induction processes.

Yours faithfully,

Nic Lane [He/Him]

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From: OIA
Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Kia ora Nic

This email acknowledges receipt of your OIA request below.

We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in any event no later than 20 working days after the day your request was received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of an extension of that timeframe.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact Ministerial Services at [email address]. If any additional factors come to light which are relevant to your request, please do not hesitate to contact us so that these can be considered.

Our email notifying you of our decision on your request will confirm if we intend to publish the letter (with your personal details removed) and any related documents on the Ministry’s website.

Ngâ mihi

Ministerial Services
Manatû Taonga | Ministry for Culture & Heritage
He ngâkau titikaha, he hononga tangata
Promoting a confident and connected culture
Public Trust Building, 131 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PO Box 5364, Wellington 6140
Ph +64 4 499 4229

-----Original Message-----
From: Nic Lane <[FOI #16935 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 29 September 2021 4:46 PM
To: Ministerial and OIA Enquiries <[Ministry for Culture and Heritage request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Diversity and Inclusion Training for Staff (MCH)

Dear Ministry for Culture and Heritage,

Are you please able to provide what diversity and inclusion training has been provided to staff over the last three financial years, including the procurement process, suppliers, and content delivered.

What has staff uptake looked like across this time, in terms of departments, within management positions, and what total hours/days investment has been.

What has staff turnover looked like across this period, How is this work reflected in staff attitudes, and what is currently included in the recruitment/induction processes.

Yours faithfully,

Nic Lane [He/Him]


This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #16935 email]

Is [Ministry for Culture and Heritage request email] the wrong address for Official Information requests to Ministry for Culture and Heritage? If so, please contact us using this form:

Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:

If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA page.


This is an email between the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and the intended recipients only. It may contain privileged material. If this email is not intended for you do not read, use, distribute or copy it. Please notify the sender immediately and then delete the email and any attachments.

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Link to this

From: OIA
Ministry for Culture and Heritage

Attachment Official Information Act Response to Nic Lane 28 October 2021.pdf
201K Download View as HTML

Kia ora Nic


On behalf of Manatû Taonga, please find attached a response to your
Official Information Act request of 29 September 2021.


We’d be grateful if you confirmed receipt of this email.


Ngâ mihi




Te Pae Hâpai Minita  |  Ministerial Services
Manatû Taonga | Ministry for Culture & Heritage
He ngâkau titikaha, he hononga tangata

Promoting a confident and connected culture
Public Trust Building, 131 Lambton Quay, Wellington
PO Box 5364, Wellington 6140 | Ph +64 4 499 4229



-----Original Message-----
From: Nic Lane <[FOI #16935 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 29 September 2021 4:46 PM
To: Ministerial and OIA Enquiries <[Ministry for Culture and Heritage request email]>
Subject: Official Information request - Diversity and Inclusion Training
for Staff (MCH)


Dear Ministry for Culture and Heritage,


Are you please able to provide what diversity and inclusion training has
been provided to staff over the last three financial years, including the
procurement process, suppliers, and content delivered.


What has staff uptake looked like across this time, in terms of
departments, within management positions, and what total hours/days
investment has been.


What has staff turnover looked like across this period, How is this work
reflected in staff attitudes, and what is currently included in the
recruitment/induction processes.


Yours faithfully,


Nic Lane [He/Him]




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[1][FOI #16935 email]


Is [2][Ministry for Culture and Heritage request email] the wrong address for Official
Information requests to Ministry for Culture and Heritage? If so, please
contact us using this form:



Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA






This is an email between the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and the
intended recipients only.
It may contain privileged material. If this email is not intended for you
do not read, use, distribute or copy it.
Please notify the sender immediately and then delete the email and any



Visible links
1. mailto:[FOI #16935 email]
2. mailto:[Ministry for Culture and Heritage request email]
3. https://fyi.org.nz/change_request/new?bo...
4. https://fyi.org.nz/help/officers

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Link to this

From: Nic Lane


Ngā Mihi,

Nic Lane [he/him]

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Things to do with this request

Ministry for Culture and Heritage only: