We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Martin Strickland please sign in and let everyone know.

Maketu - Te Puke Ward Forum 24th March 2021 Council Reconvened Meeting

Martin Strickland made this Official Information request to Western Bay of Plenty District Council

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Martin Strickland to read recent responses and update the status.

From: Martin Strickland

Dear Western Bay of Plenty District Council,

Am writing on behalf of the Rangiuru Community Group in relation to the above meeting on 24th March 2021.

Specifically resolution MTP21-1.7 "That the Maketu-Te Puke Ward Forum request that Council staff review the process of the resource consent granted for 240 Rangiuru Road, and provide the outcome of the review to Committee Councillors."

Members of the Community who were at the actual Maketu Meeting and attended the follow up video of proceedings noted that the Chief Executive advised that the review connected to this resolution "would not take long at all to do".

It has now been 6 weeks since the above meeting and no outcome of any review has been advised. Can you please provide the Rangiuru Community Group in line with information requested under the Official Information Act:

1. A full copy of the Terms of Reference that were supplied to Council Staff for a review into the Councils decision regarding the approval of a variation to consent for Corrections to establish a new facility at 240 Rangiuru Road.

2. A full copy of the review outcome report including its methodology, its findings, its recommendations and any actions arising.

3. What Council Staff Job Title conducted the review and which Council Department they work for.

4. Full details of actions taken by elected Councillors or Council Staff including the Chief Executive on receipt of the review outcome report.

Yours faithfully, for and on behalf of the Rangiuru Community Group

Martin Strickland

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From: Customer Service

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Hi there,


Thank you for contacting the Western Bay of Plenty District Council.


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Our commitment is to ensure we respond to your email within five business
days. We will contact you if this is not possible. 


In the case of roading matters it may be up to 10 working days before you
are contacted. 


Kind regards


Customer Service Representative | Mangai Ratonga Kiritaki

P 07 571 8008 | FP 0800 926 732                                  


1484 Cameron Road, Barkes Corner, Greerton,

Private Bag 12803, Tauranga Mail Centre, Tauranga 3143

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From: Paige Marshall

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Hi Martin,


Thank you for your Official Information request received by Council on
Tuesday, 4 May 2021.


We sincerely apologise for the delay in this this review. Our team have
made this a priority and endeavour to respond to your request as soon as
practicably possible, no later than 20 working days from the receipt of
your request.


Kind Regards


Paige Marshall

Executive Assistant, People and Customer | Kaiāwhina Ratonga Kiritaki


P 07 571 8008 | FP 0800 926 732                                  


1484 Cameron Road, Barkes Corner, Greerton,

Private Bag 12803, Tauranga Mail Centre, Tauranga 3143

[1]westernbay.govt.nz | [2]Facebook | [3]Instagram | [4]LinkedIn


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Strickland <[FOI #15346 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 4 May 2021 10:53 AM
To: Customer Service <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Maketu - Te Puke Ward Forum 24th
March 2021 Council Reconvened Meeting


Dear Western Bay of Plenty District Council,


Am writing on behalf of the Rangiuru Community Group in relation to the
above meeting on 24th March 2021.


Specifically resolution MTP21-1.7 "That the Maketu-Te Puke Ward Forum
request that Council staff review the process of the resource consent
granted for 240 Rangiuru Road, and provide the outcome of the review to
Committee Councillors."


Members of the Community who were at the actual Maketu Meeting and
attended the follow up video of proceedings noted that the Chief Executive
advised that the review connected to this resolution "would not take long
at all to do".


It has now been 6 weeks since the above meeting and no outcome of any
review has been advised. Can you please provide the Rangiuru Community
Group in line with information requested under the Official Information


1. A full copy of the Terms of Reference that were supplied to Council
Staff for a review into the Councils decision regarding the approval of a
variation to consent for Corrections to establish a new facility at 240
Rangiuru Road.


2. A full copy of the review outcome report including its methodology, its
findings, its recommendations and any actions arising.


3. What Council Staff Job Title conducted the review and which Council
Department they work for.


4. Full details of actions taken by elected Councillors or Council Staff
including the Chief Executive on receipt of the review outcome report.


Yours faithfully, for and on behalf of the Rangiuru Community Group


Martin Strickland




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

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From: Rachael Davie

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183K Download View as HTML

Good afternoon Colleen, Richard, Vance and Martin,


Following on from your presentation at the Te Puke/Maketu Ward Forum on 24
March 2021 Council resolved to undertake a review of resource consent
processes relating to activities at 240 Rangiuru Road. 


I attach for your information the independent review of lawyers Cooney
Lees Morgan.  For completeness I have copied in to this email Mayor
Webber, your local ward councillors and community board chair as well as
Council’s Chief Executive.



Kind regards,


Rachael Davie

Group Manager Policy, Planning and Regulatory Services

Manukura Ratonga Tikanga


P 07 571 8008 | FP 0800 926 732                                  

1484 Cameron Road, Barkes Corner, Greerton,

Private Bag 12803, Tauranga Mail Centre, Tauranga 3143

[1]westernbay.govt.nz | [2]Facebook | [3]Instagram | [4]LinkedIn




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Visible links
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3. https://www.instagram.com/westernbaycoun...
4. https://www.linkedin.com/company/western...
6. file:///tmp/www.kerbsidecollective.co.nz

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Martin Strickland please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Western Bay of Plenty District Council only: