Level of Investment Changes

Adam Irish made this Official Information request to Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities

The request was successful.

From: Adam Irish

Dear Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities,

Under the Official Information Act I wish to request the level of funding that Kainga Ora-Homes has had since the last two elections.

It has been a collation party policy that Kāinga Ora will be empowered to build more houses, through a higher borrowing limit. And that there will be an expansion of the Kāinga Ora Crown building programme to deliver enough new affordable rental properties to clear the public housing waiting list in five years, and expand progressive home ownership options like rent-to-own.

What progress if any has been made on progressive home ownership and rent-to-own and what has been the total funding and borrowing limit for the last 6 years. Additionally what is the total number of houses build or procured to be build across that timeframe.

Yours faithfully,

Adam Irish

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From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities

Attachment image001.jpg
5K Download

Dear Mr Irish


Thank you for your email dated 8 March 2021 requesting under the Official
Information Act 1982 (the Act) the following information:


·         Level of funding Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities has had
since the last two elections

·         Progress on Progressive Home Ownership and rent-to-own

·         Total funding and borrowing limit for the last six years

·         Total number of houses built or procured to be built across that


We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than 7 April 2021, being 20 working days after the day
your request was received by Kāinga Ora - Homes and Communities in
accordance with section 15(1) of the Act.


If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will notify you of
an extension of that timeframe.


We may also contact you if further clarification or refinement of your
request is required to enable a decision to be made.


Yours sincerely



Freephone: 0800 801 601  |  Mainline:
(04) 439 3000  |  Kāinga Ora - Homes
and Communities
PO BOX 2628 Wellington 6140  |  New
Zealand Government  | 





www.govt.nz - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government

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Visible links
2. http://www.kaingaora.govt.nz/

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From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities

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Dear Mr Irish


We refer to your email of 8 March requesting the level of funding Kāinga
Ora – Homes and Communities has had since the last two elections,
information on progressive home ownership and rent to own, the total
funding and borrowing limit for the last six years and the total number of
houses built or procured to be built across that timeframe.


Our response was initially due to you on 7 April 2021.

We regret to advise that we are still processing your request. We will be
providing you with a response in scope of your request as soon as possible




Freephone: 0800 801 601  |  Mainline:
(04) 439 3000  |  Kāinga Ora - Homes
and Communities
PO BOX 2628 Wellington 6140  |  New
Zealand Government  | 



www.govt.nz - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government

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Ora. This message and any files transmitted with it are confidential, may
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(1) reply promptly to that effect, and remove this email, any attachment
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Visible links
2. http://www.kaingaora.govt.nz/

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From: Kainga Ora Correspondence
Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities

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Attachment OI 21 128 Irish Adam response.pdf
454K Download View as HTML


Good morning Mr Irish


Please find attached a response to your OIA request dated 8 March 2021,
from Rachel Kelly, Manager, Government Relations





Freephone: 0800 801 601  |  Mainline:
(04) 439 3000  |  Kāinga Ora - Homes
and Communities
PO BOX 2628 Wellington 6140  |  New
Zealand Government  | 




www.govt.nz - your guide to finding and using New Zealand government

Any opinions expressed in this message are not necessarily those of Kāinga
Ora. This message and any files transmitted with it are confidential, may
be legally privileged, and are solely for the use of the intended
recipient. If you are not the intended recipient or the person responsible
for delivery to the intended recipient, you have received this message in

(1) reply promptly to that effect, and remove this email, any attachment
and the reply from your system;
(2) do not use, disclose or act on this email in any other way. Thank you.


Visible links
2. http://www.kaingaora.govt.nz/

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Things to do with this request

Kāinga Ora–Homes and Communities only: