Minister allowing Issuance team to respond to correspondence directly addressed to her in her private capacity.
Teresa made this Official Information request to Department of Internal Affairs
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Teresa to read a recent response and update the status.
From: Teresa
Dear Department of Internal Affairs,
In November last year I sent correspondence by courier & signature required that was addressed to Minister Jan Tinetti in her private capacity.
The correspondence was a Declaration of Understanding, Statement of Intent and Claim of Right.
The correspondence was responded to by the Issuance Team as follows:
"The Department of Internal Affairs is aware of false theories (sometimes known as the Sovereign movement or Freeman of the Land movement) that have appeared on the internet and try to prove a link between New Zealand Birth Certificates and financial corporations. There is no link between New Zealand birth certificates and financial corporations. Please note that the Department fulfills its obligations under the Births, Death Marriages and Relationships Act 1995.
This information can be found at:
Under the circumstances we are unable to assist you further and future correspondence about matters involving claims of sovereignty will not be responded to.
Signed by the Issuance Team
No lawful name.
My questions are:
1) I have evidence of previous Internal Affairs ministers acknowledging receipt of correspondence that is similar to mine. So why has this Minister not responded to my correspondence in the same fashion? If its an operational matter, please explain why?
2)I have received acknowledgement letters from the Register-General of LINZ for the same correspondence so why is it any different for this Minister?
3) Is this not a breach of the Privacy Act 2020 Principles 5 & 7 as it was sent directly to the Minister in her private capacity? and if there is no breach please explain why in laymans terms as I am not a lawyer.
4) The letter from the Issuance Team has no lawful name of the person signing it therefore doesn't it make the letter void anyway?
5) There are several Acts that allow persons to claim their sovereignty (should they wake up to the fraud) and Acts that prove there IS a link to a trust (should one know how to access it). So why does the DIA website deny that?
6) Finally, who is committing the fraud? Is it us who were born live, then unknowingly killed on paper? I doubt it. I comprehend that this question will not be answered as no person who works for the oppressor will admit that they are also the ones committing the fraud. But I have put it here for the record.
Many thanks
From: SDO Official Correspondence
Department of Internal Affairs
Kia ora Teresa
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act
Ngā mihi
Alysha Stevenson | Advisor Official Correspondence
SDO Branch Development and Support Te Waka Aukaha
The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua
45 Pipitea Street | PO Box 805, Wellington 6143| [1]
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence
Daymond David Goulder-Horobin left an annotation ()
This needs to be taken further, fantastic OIA but insist on more information from them and maybe not draw controversy unless you can prove it on the spot in a rebuttal. More information on this "Issuance Team" is needed.
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