
james lochead-macmillan made this Official Information request to Public Service Commission

Public Service Commission did not have the information requested.

From: james lochead-macmillan

Dear State Services Commission,

Good morning, I writing to ask that despite Kindergarten not being run by the Ministry of education and I can't find any trace of Kindergarten on your list of State sector employees " Central Government Agencies as at 12 December 2019".

Can I please request all documents held that are associated with the claim Kindergarten teachers, can be classified as State sector Employees?

Yours faithfully,

james lochead-macmillan

Link to this

From: SSC Enquiries

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Attachment image005.png
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Dear Mr Lochead-Macmillan

I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your OIA request below.

We will endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event no later than are 20 working days after the day your request was
received. If we are unable to respond to your request by then, we will
notify you of an extension of that timeframe.

Please note, the three weeks between Christmas Day and 15 January the
following year don't count as working days.  This means that any OIA
request submitted from now may take a bit longer.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact Ministerial Services
at [1][email address] . If any additional factors come to
light which are relevant to your request, please do not hesitate to
contact us so that these can be taken into account.

Our letter notifying you of our decision on your request will confirm if
we intend to publish the letter (with your personal details removed) and
any related documents on the State Services Commission’s website.

Kind regards,

SSC Enquiries 
email: [2][email address]


 Te Kawa Mataaho | [6]cid:image002.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0[7]cid:image004.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0[8]cid:image006.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0 [9]cid:image008.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0
State Services
| [5]


-----Original Message-----
From: james lochead-macmillan
<[FOI #12029 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 January 2020 9:24 AM
To: SSC Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Kindergarten


Dear State Services Commission,


Good morning, I writing to ask that despite Kindergarten not being run by
the Ministry of education and I can't find any trace of Kindergarten on
your list of State sector employees " Central Government Agencies as at 12
December 2019".


Can I please request all documents held that are associated with the claim
Kindergarten teachers, can be classified as State sector Employees?


Yours faithfully,


james lochead-macmillan




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[10][FOI #12029 email]


Is [11][SSC request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to State Services Commission? If so, please contact us using this



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immediately by reply, remove this email and the reply from your system,
and don’t act on it in any other way. Ngā mihi.


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From: SSC Enquiries

Attachment image011.png
33K Download

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1K Download

Attachment image015.png
3K Download

Dear Mr Lochead-Macmillan


We have interpreted your question to be that you are enquiring whether
kindergarten teachers are classified as state sector employees.


Those working as a registered teacher in the employment of any free
kindergarten association that controls a free kindergarten within the
meaning of [1]section 120 of the Education Act 1989 is defined as part of
the Education Services.  This is outlined in section 2 of the State Sector
Act which can be found at the following link: 


If this doesn’t answer your request, please could you provide more
specific information regarding the documents you are after.


Kind regards


SSC Enquiries 
[3][email address]


 Te Kawa Mataaho | [7]cid:image002.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0[8]cid:image004.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0[9]cid:image006.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0 [10]cid:image008.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0
State Services
| [6]


-----Original Message-----
From: james lochead-macmillan
<[FOI #12029 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 14 January 2020 9:24 AM
To: SSC Enquiries <[email address]>
Subject: Official Information request - Kindergarten


Dear State Services Commission,


Good morning, I writing to ask that despite Kindergarten not being run by
the Ministry of education and I can't find any trace of Kindergarten on
your list of State sector employees " Central Government Agencies as at 12
December 2019".


Can I please request all documents held that are associated with the claim
Kindergarten teachers, can be classified as State sector Employees?


Yours faithfully,


james lochead-macmillan




This is an Official Information request made via the FYI website.


Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[11][FOI #12029 email]


Is [12][SSC request email] the wrong address for Official Information
requests to State Services Commission? If so, please contact us using this



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Confidentiality notice: This email may be confidential or legally
privileged. If you have received it by mistake, please tell the sender
immediately by reply, remove this email and the reply from your system,
and don’t act on it in any other way. Ngā mihi.


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3. mailto:[email address]
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12. mailto:[SSC request email]

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Link to this

From: james lochead-macmillan

Dear SSC Enquiries,

Thankyou, but the sate services act which you directed me too appears misleading as the section you directed me to, directed me to Section 120 of the education act. which has been repealed. This is a little confusing and Teacher registration is actually required for all ECE services. So my question remains how are Kindergartens classed as a State sector Employer given the acts don't appear to line up.

Part 10
Teacher registration
Part 10: repealed, on 1 July 2015, by section 6 of the Education Amendment Act 2015 (2015 No 1).
120 Interpretation
Section 120: repealed, on 1 July 2015, by section 6 of the Education Amendment Act 2015 (2015 No 1).

Could I also ask if you have a definition of what a "Free Kindergarten Association" is?

Also given the different funding to Kindergarten associations, what would be required to set up a new Free Kindergarten Association?

Yours sincerely,

james lochead-macmillan

Link to this

From: SSC Enquiries

Attachment image011.png
33K Download

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1K Download

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1K Download

Attachment image014.png
1K Download

Attachment image015.png
3K Download

Attachment SSCOIA 2020 0005 TRANSFER DOCUMENT James Lochead Macmillan.pdf
231K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Lochead-Macmillan


Please find the attached SSC correspondence in relation to your OIA


Kind regards


SSC Enquiries 
[1][email address]

 Te Kawa Mataaho | State Services [4][IMG][5][IMG][6][IMG] [7][IMG]
 [2] | [3]  




-----Original Message-----
From: james lochead-macmillan
<[FOI #12029 email]>
Sent: Thursday, 16 January 2020 11:10 PM
To: SSC Enquiries <[email address]>


Dear SSC Enquiries,


Thankyou, but the sate services act which you directed me too appears
misleading as the section you directed me to, directed me to Section 120
of the education act. which has been repealed. This is a little confusing
and Teacher registration is actually required for all ECE services. So my
question remains how are Kindergartens classed as a State sector Employer
given the acts don't appear to line up.


Part 10

Teacher registration


Part 10: repealed, on 1 July 2015, by section 6 of the Education Amendment
Act 2015 (2015 No 1).

120 Interpretation


Section 120: repealed, on 1 July 2015, by section 6 of the Education
Amendment Act 2015 (2015 No 1).


Could I also ask if you have a definition of what a "Free Kindergarten
Association" is?


Also given the different funding to Kindergarten associations, what would
be required to set up a new Free Kindergarten Association?


Yours sincerely,


james lochead-macmillan


-----Original Message-----


Dear Mr Lochead-Macmillan




We have interpreted your question to be that you are enquiring whether 
kindergarten teachers are classified as state sector employees.




Those working as a registered teacher in the employment of any free 
kindergarten association that controls a free kindergarten within the 
meaning of [1]section 120 of the Education Act 1989 is defined as part of 
the Education Services.  This is outlined in section 2 of the State
Sector  Act which can be found at the following link: 




If this doesn’t answer your request, please could you provide more 
specific information regarding the documents you are after.




Kind regards




SSC Enquiries

[3][email address]




 Te Kawa Mataaho |
[7][10]cid:image002.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0[8]cid:image004.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0[9]cid:image006.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0 [10][11]cid:image008.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0

State Services



| [6][13]





Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[14][FOI #12029 email]


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the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



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privileged. If you have received it by mistake, please tell the sender
immediately by reply, remove this email and the reply from your system,
and don’t act on it in any other way. Ngā mihi.


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11. file:///tmp/cid:image008.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0
14. mailto:[FOI #12029 email]

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Link to this

From: Enquiries National

Attachment image001.png
7K Download

Dear James,


Thank you for your request for information below, which was transferred
from the SSC on the 29^th January 2020.  The Ministry will consider and
respond to your request in accordance with the Official Information Act
1982 (the Act).


• Could I also ask if you have a definition of what a "Free Kindergarten
Association" is?

• Also given the different funding to Kindergarten associations, what
would be required to set up a new Free Kindergarten Association?


The Act allows up to 20 working days for a response, making 27th^h
February 2020 the latest date for our response to you.  If more than 20
working days are needed due to the potential workload involved in
answering your request, we will notify you accordingly.


Please note, the Ministry may publicly release on our website the response
to your request five days after you have received it. Any personal
information will be removed.


In the interim, if you have any questions about your request, please email
[1][email address].


Kind regards,


Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | GH


We shape an education system that delivers equitable and excellent
He mea târai e mâtou te mâtauranga kia rangatira ai, kia mana taurite ai
ôna huanga





Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Link to this

From: SSC Enquiries

Attachment image011.png
33K Download

Attachment image012.png
1K Download

Attachment image013.png
1K Download

Attachment image014.png
1K Download

Attachment image015.png
3K Download

Attachment SSCOIA 2020 0005 SSC REPLY James Lochead Macmillan.pdf
244K Download View as HTML

Dear Mr Lochead-MacMillan


Please find attached our reply to your OIA below.


Kind regards


SSC Enquiries 
[1][email address]

 Te Kawa Mataaho | State Services [4][IMG][5][IMG][6][IMG] [7][IMG]
 [2] | [3]  


-----Original Message-----
From: james lochead-macmillan
<[FOI #12029 email]>
Sent: Thursday, 16 January 2020 11:10 PM
To: SSC Enquiries <[email address]>


Dear SSC Enquiries,


Thankyou, but the sate services act which you directed me too appears
misleading as the section you directed me to, directed me to Section 120
of the education act. which has been repealed. This is a little confusing
and Teacher registration is actually required for all ECE services. So my
question remains how are Kindergartens classed as a State sector Employer
given the acts don't appear to line up.


Part 10

Teacher registration


Part 10: repealed, on 1 July 2015, by section 6 of the Education Amendment
Act 2015 (2015 No 1).

120 Interpretation


Section 120: repealed, on 1 July 2015, by section 6 of the Education
Amendment Act 2015 (2015 No 1).


Could I also ask if you have a definition of what a "Free Kindergarten
Association" is?


Also given the different funding to Kindergarten associations, what would
be required to set up a new Free Kindergarten Association?


Yours sincerely,


james lochead-macmillan


-----Original Message-----


Dear Mr Lochead-Macmillan




We have interpreted your question to be that you are enquiring whether 
kindergarten teachers are classified as state sector employees.




Those working as a registered teacher in the employment of any free 
kindergarten association that controls a free kindergarten within the 
meaning of [1]section 120 of the Education Act 1989 is defined as part of 
the Education Services.  This is outlined in section 2 of the State
Sector  Act which can be found at the following link: 




If this doesn’t answer your request, please could you provide more 
specific information regarding the documents you are after.




Kind regards




SSC Enquiries

[3][email address]




 Te Kawa Mataaho |
[7][10]cid:image002.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0[8]cid:image004.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0[9]cid:image006.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0 [10][11]cid:image008.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0

State Services



| [6][13]





Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[14][FOI #12029 email]


Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be published on
the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



If you find this service useful as an Official Information officer, please
ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's OIA or LGOIMA



Confidentiality notice: This email may be confidential or legally
privileged. If you have received it by mistake, please tell the sender
immediately by reply, remove this email and the reply from your system,
and don’t act on it in any other way. Ngā mihi.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
9. file:///tmp/cid:image004.png@01D505B3.D46B8A00
10. file:///tmp/cid:image002.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0[8]cid:image004.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0[9]cid:image006.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0
11. file:///tmp/cid:image008.png@01D50594.2B40E6B0
14. mailto:[FOI #12029 email]

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Things to do with this request

Public Service Commission only: