Social Security relationship.
Kaye Serrah made this Official Information request to Accident Compensation Corporation
The request was successful.
From: Kaye Serrah
Dear Accident Compensation Corporation,
This request has regard to the 1991 ACC Act. Prior to electronic data matching capabilities, how did the corporation ascertain whether an applicant was in receipt of any tax payer funded assistance that might affect the entitlement to which they may or may not be eligible for?
Provisions within that act set out the requirement to investigate a claim for cover,then the level of assistance as was appropriate.
Part 6 s 252 (4) a, ....if the Corporation knows that this section applies; or....
What steps would the Corporation ordinarily have taken to discover this?
Yours faithfully,
Kaye Serrah
From: Government Services
Accident Compensation Corporation
Kia ora
Thank you for contacting ACC; this is an automatic reply to confirm we
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about how to contact us is also available [4]here.
Ngâ mihi
OIA Services, ACC
Tel. 0800 101 996
ACC / OIA Services 2385 / Justice Centre - Level 7
PO Box 242 / Wellington 6011 / New Zealand / [5]
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From: Ministerial Servicing
Accident Compensation Corporation
Kia ora Kaye Serrah
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 20 November 2019. If you have any questions about the response you
can contact us at this [1]address, for all other matters please use our
contact form at: [2] alternatively give us a
call on 0800 101 996.
If you are having trouble viewing the PDF, please ensure you have the
latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download this freeware please
click [3]here.
Ngâ mihi
Sasha Wood, Acting Manager OIA Services, ACC
ACC cares about the environment – please don’t print this
unless it is really necessary. Thank you.
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Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence