Summary information on dog names by breed and location
Jonathan Marshall made this Official Information request to Palmerston North City Council
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Jonathan Marshall to read recent responses and update the status.
From: Jonathan Marshall
Dear Palmerston North City Council,
Please supply summary information of dog names by breed and location in your region.
- I'm happy for location information to be summarised at a spatial scale that protects the privacy of the dogs (and owners). e.g. Census Area Unit?
- I'm also happy should the number of names be restricted (e.g. to the top 20) in each spatial region for each breed.
- I'm also happy that breeds are clustered - e.g. perhaps the top 20 breeds in each spatial location?
Please provide the information, if possible, in a machine readable format (e.g. CSV, Excel).
Yours faithfully,
Jonathan Marshall
From: info
Palmerston North City Council
Thank you for your email. We will respond as soon as possible.
From: Info Queue
Palmerston North City Council
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for your email.
I have passed the request to our governance department who will get back
and contact.
Should you need any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact
us on 06 356 8199 or by replying to this email.
From: Colin Perrin
Palmerston North City Council
Hi Jonathan
Thank you for your information request.
I have checked with Animal Control, and it will take approximately 6-8
hours to extract and “cleanse” the data.
The first hour of any OIA request is at no charge, there is then a $38.00
charge for every additional half hour or part thereof.
Can you please confirm that you wish to proceed with your request or
contact me on 06 356 8199 if you wish to discuss further.
COLIN PERRIN l Principal Environmental Health Officer
Palmerston North City Council l Private Bag 11034 l Palmerston North
P: +64 (6) 3568199 l [1]
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From: Jonathan Marshall
Dear Colin Perrin,
Thanks for the prompt reply!
I appreciate that it takes time (and thus money!) to pull this type of data out. I wonder if the purpose of my request may allow some accommodation to be made.
The primary reason for my request was to put together a fun dataset for statistics students to create some nice pretty charts on a fairly simple subject that everyone will have familiarity with. My guess is that Animal Control probably don't have all that much time to analyse their data and produce the type of fun charts that I'm thinking of, so there may be some shared benefit to making the data available.
I'm thinking of things like: What's the most popular dog name? Does it change by breed? Do people in Hokowhitu tend to name their dogs differently to those in West End? I can imagine students coming up with some interesting and fun questions and some pretty looking charts to answer those questions. I'd be more than happy to share them with Animal Control if you'd like to use them for outreach or anything like that.
Yours sincerely,
Jonathan Marshall
From: Colin Perrin
Palmerston North City Council
Hi Jonathon
After consideration, we can provide raw data dog name, breed and suburb for you and your students to filter and use.
COLIN PERRIN | Principal Environmental Health Officer
Palmerston North City Council | Private Bag 11034 | Palmerston North
P: +64 (6) 3568199 |
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