We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are H Enderby (Account suspended) please sign in and let everyone know.

Money paid for approval of 1080

H Enderby (Account suspended) made this Official Information request to Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for H Enderby (Account suspended) to read recent responses and update the status.

From: H Enderby (Account suspended)

Tena Koutou office of the parliamentary commissioner for the environment,

What amounts were paid for the production of the document 'evaluating the use of 1080' and what organisations paid these amounts.

Thank you,

Hannah Enderby

Link to this

From: Reception
Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Attachment image001.png
12K Download

Kia Ora Hannah Enderby


We confirm receipt of your request for the following information:  “What
amounts were paid for the production of the document 'evaluating the use
of 1080' and what organisations paid these amounts.


Before we process your request we need to confirm that you are a person
described in section 12(1) of the Official Information Act 1987.  This


(a)a New Zealand citizen; or

(b)a permanent resident of New Zealand; or

(c)a person who is in New Zealand; or

(d)a body corporate which is incorporated in New Zealand; or

(e)a body corporate which is incorporated outside New Zealand but which
has a place of business in New Zealand,


Can you please advise which of those criteria applies to you, and provide
evidence to confirm your status (such as a copy of your passport if you
are a citizen,  or a letter from government to your New Zealand address if
you are a person who is in New Zealand).  If you prefer, this evidence can
be emailed to us direct at [1][email address].





Nâku noa, nâ



[2]Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment






Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Link to this

Mr Rodgers left an annotation ()

Looking back at previous requests they have never pulled this ID lark before. If they wanted to be accused of having something to hide this is a good way to do it.

Link to this

Sue Boyde left an annotation ()

If Hannah is in one of the classes eligible to make OIRs, the reply from the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment tells her how to prove that. The answer to her OIR is obvious too, by the way.

Link to this

From: Reception
Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment

Attachment image001.png
12K Download

Kia Ora Hannah Enderby,


We refer to our email dated 30 July.   To date we have not heard from you,
so we have been unable to confirm whether you are a person described in
section 12(1) of the Official Information Act 1987.   If providing the
information we have requested presents any difficulties for you we would
be very happy to discuss this further, either in writing or over the
phone.  Our phone number is 64 4 471 1669 (we can also phone you if you
are willing to provide a contact phone number).


If we do not hear from you on or before Tuesday 20 August we will take no
further action on your request. 




Nāku noa, nā



[1]Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment




Visible links

Link to this

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are H Enderby (Account suspended) please sign in and let everyone know.

Things to do with this request

Office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment only: