MBCHB graduate statistics
Shaun made this Official Information request to University of Auckland
This request has an unknown status. We're waiting for Shaun to read a recent response and update the status.
From: Shaun
Dear University of Auckland,
The following is extracted from a previous response by UoA.
"(4) Lowest GPA for successful General applicants (for both FY and
graduate) FY 8.0, Graduate 7.51-7.75)"
Can you please let me know the number of successful graduate applicants in the above category (i.e GPA between 7.51 and 7.75)
Yours faithfully,
From: Rebecca Ewert
University of Auckland
Dear Shaun,
Requests under the Official Information Act must be for specified official information - your email does not provide a copy of the response to which you refer and we are not aware of which year the quoted response relates to. In order to make a valid request you must specify this. Further, the only persons eligible to make requests under the Official Information Act are (a) New Zealand citizens; (b) permanent residents of New Zealand; (c) persons who are in New Zealand; or (d) body corporates incorporated in New Zealand or which have a place of business in New Zealand. Please confirm your eligibility under section 12 of the Official Information Act to make these requests for official information and provide evidence of that eligibility to [University of Auckland request email]
Section 18A(2) of the Official Information Act specifies that, for the purposes of refusing requests under section 18(f) of the Act, organisations may treat as a single request 2 or more requests from the same person that are about the same subject matter or about similar subject matters and received in short succession. If you do make an official information request, please advise the following to enable the University to make a decision on your request:
* advise whether your request for official information was co-ordinated, or made in conjunction, with any other person/persons (as defined in section 2 of the Official Information Act), and, if so, disclose the name/names of these other person/persons
* advise whether your request for official information was made at the instruction, request, or on behalf of any other person/persons, and if so, disclose the names of these other person/s.
Things to do with this request
- Add an annotation (to help the requester or others)
- Download a zip file of all correspondence