University of Auckland

A public authority

690 requests

(page 10)

China Scholarship Council scholarships
Response by University of Auckland to Mr Black on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Black,   I refer to your email of 22 June 2020. The University’s response follows:   You have requested “the number of China Scholarshi...
Jurisprudence sem 1 2020 complaints
Response by University of Auckland to Geoffrey Chen on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Geoffrey,   I refer to your request of 22 July 2020 under the Official Information Act. The information requested is attached.   Yours si...
MBChB Admissions Information 2019 MAPAS + General
Response by University of Auckland to Mike Hunt on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Hunt,   I refer to your request of 1 July 2020. The University's response follows:   "Please provide the following information under th...
Dear Mr Wong   I refer to your request of 21 August 2019 for information concerning grade distributions for courses managed by the University's De...
Dear Mr Robertson   The information you requested is inserted into your email below.   Yours sincerely Rebecca Ewert General Counsel Univ...
Dear Ms Roe, The Official Information Act does not require the University to do what you have asked in your email below. As previously advised, I sugg...
Dear Mr Harris,   I refer to your email of 3 March 2020.   We consider that the University is already compliant with the Education (Pastoral C...
Amount Spent on Catering Meetings in 2019
Response by University of Auckland to Daniel Meech - Craccum News on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Daniel, I refer to your request of 2 March 2020. In 2019 the University spent a total of approximately $26,000 on catering for 166 meetings of Un...
2020 MbChB General Entry Statistics
Response by University of Auckland to Sethi on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Sethi, I refer to your request of 5 March 2020. The information requested is provided below: "Please provide the following information for domes...
RRAS MBChB entry 2020
Response by University of Auckland to Shownok Saha on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Shownok, I refer to your request of 27 February 2020. The information requested is provided below: "Please provide the following information for...
Dear Daniel,   I refer to your request under the Official Information Act 1982 for the number of complaints made by staff against property manager...
United States Department of Education Funds
Response by University of Auckland to Ali Khan on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Ali,   I refer to your request of 21 January 2020. The University participates in the Federal Direct Student Loan Program of the United State...
2020 MbChB general entry information
Response by University of Auckland to Mark li on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mark   I refer to your request of 5 January 2020. The information requested in paragraphs 2 and 4-8 of your request does not exist as 2020 MB...
Plagiarism and racism
Follow up sent to University of Auckland by Sam McDonald on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Ms Ewert, I refer to your letter of December 13 2019. Please accept this as notice that I will be requesting an investigation (with the Offic...
White supremacy at the University of Auckland.
Response by University of Auckland to Sam McDonald on .
Long overdue.
Dear Mr McDonald, I refer to your request of 1 October 2019 under the Official Information Act, as amended on 3 October. Consultations necessary to ma...
International MbChB 2019
Response by University of Auckland to Mackenzie N on .
Awaiting classification.
  Dear Mackenzie,   I refer to your request of 15 September 2019. The only persons eligible to make requests under the Official Information Act...
MBChB International Entry 2019
Response by University of Auckland to Carmina on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Carmina/Mackenzie,   I refer to your request of 15 September 2019. The only persons eligible to make requests under the Official Information...
Disciplinary actions relating to Hong Kong protest
Response by University of Auckland to Freeman Yu on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Freeman,   I refer to your email of 16 August 2019. The University response is as follows.   Your request is refused under section 9(2)(a...
Information regarding minors and modules
Response by University of Auckland to Harry on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Harry,   I refer to your request of 31 July 2019. The University’s response is as follows.   “1) the number of students who have graduate...
Hong Kong protests
Response by University of Auckland to John Power on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Mr Power, I refer to your request of 31 July 2019. There has been no contact between Chinese embassy and/or consular officials, or their represen...
Summary Statistics for GPAs in Six Undergraduate Programmes
Response by University of Auckland to A Pseudonym on .
Awaiting classification.
The only persons eligible to make requests under the Official Information Act are (a) New Zealand citizens; (b) permanent residents of New Zealand; (c)...
MBCHB graduate statistics
Response by University of Auckland to Shaun on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Shaun, Requests under the Official Information Act must be for specified official information - your email does not provide a copy of the respons...
Median GPA for FY entrants into MBCHB
Response by University of Auckland to Sean Smith on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Sean The only persons eligible to make requests under the Official Information Act are (a) New Zealand citizens; (b) permanent residents of New Z...
FY admission into the MBChB programme (RRAS)
Response by University of Auckland to Shalom Muzondiwa on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Shalom,   I refer to your request of 12 June 2019. The University's response follows.   "Please provide the following information regarding F...
Request sent to University of Auckland by Shaun on .
Long overdue.
The following is extracted from a previous response by UoA. "(4) Lowest GPA for successful General applicants (for both FY and graduate) FY 8.0,...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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