Pharmaceutical Management Agency
A public authority, also called PHARMAC
81 requests
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Estimating the number of people prescribed PrEP
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Bianca Sepulveda on .
Kia ora Bianca
Please find attached a response to your recent request for information.
Ngā mihi
Melody Willis ([1]she/her) | Gove...
Trikafta Funding Announcement
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Phillip Hart on .
Partially successful.
Tçnâ koe Phillip
Further to our previous communications, we have now published
[1]information about our communications approach for the Trikafta...
Correspondence between Pharmac and Draper Cormack re 2022-23-125; A1665003
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Harris Leigh on .
Tēnā koe Harris
Please find a response to your request for information attached with this
Ngā mihi, nā
Melody Willis ([1]...
All emails from the Chief Executive, Director of Operations and communications staff in 2022 mentioning continuous glucose monitors
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Stefan Clausing on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Stefan,
Please find a response to your request attached to this email.
Kind regards
Gendi McFadyen| Government Services Advisor
Te Pātaka Wh...
Procurement process for Cormack Draper
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Harris Leigh on .
Partially successful.
Tçnâ koe Harris
Please find a response to your below request for information attached to
this email.
Ngâ mihi, nâ
Melody Willis...
Rolling reviews of safety & efficacy of (non-mRNA gene therapy) COVID-19 treatments
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to J Bruning on .
Kia ora
Please find a response to your request for information attached with this email.
Ngā mihi
Melody Willis (she/her) | Government Services Adv...
Correspondence between Pharmac and NZMS
Awaiting classification.
Sooo Medsafe knew that Ivermectin was a safe and effective treatment but because a pharmaceutical company didn't apply to push it out because it's not...
Communications regarding funding of Freestyle Libre monitors
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Harry Peterson on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora please see attached 😊
Arihia Gray [1](she/her) | Policy advisor
9 December 2022
J Burning
[email address]
Tēnā koe J Burning
Process and progress of approval for pediatric/under 5’s covid vaccines
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Scout Barbour-Evans on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Scout
Please find attached a response to your request for official information.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
M[1]inistry of Health...
Ordering Moderna's Bivalent vaccine
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Athina Andonatou on .
Hi Athina,
Please find a response to your request attached to this email.
Kind regards,
13 October 2022
Athina Andonatou
Via email: [FOI #205...
Cost of spending on Caresens Diabetes test kits
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Harry Peterson on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for emailing Pharmac enquiries.
* [1]View a list of all currently funded medicines (the Pharmaceutical
* [2]View the progress o...
Molnupiravir for Horses, Zebras & Donkeys - offspring born with no teeth & skull missing
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Micky Turner on .
Thank you for emailing Pharmac enquiries.
* [1]View a list of all currently funded medicines (the Pharmaceutical
* [2]View the progress o...
COVID-19 Early Treatment Options - where are they?
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Micky Turner on .
Tēnā koe Micky
Pharmac is continuing to evaluate potential treatments for COVID-19 as
evidence emerges.
We are happy to consider funding a...
According to the reply to a recent OIA request, 25 people were treated with Remdesivir in Auckland during the recent outbreak (there may be more since...
Why have you restricted Ivermectin?
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Annie Weston on .
Mōrena Annie
Please find attached a response to your further correspondence regarding ivermectin.
Ngā mihi
Melody Willis (she/her) | Government Ser...
Information regarding Dexcom CGMS and Libre FGMS
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to D Smith on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora D Smith
Further to our previous email to you on Friday 19 March 2021, please find
attached the final response to your request for inform...
Cost of PreP since funding began in 2018
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Elliot Ikilei on .
Kia ora Elliot
Please find attached a response to your request for information received
by PHARMAC on 6 January 2021.
Please feel free to...
Cost of funding Tramadol in 2019
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Brianna Stewart on .
Kia ora Brianna
Please find the response to your OIA 2020-21-020 dated 18 August 2020
regarding tramadol funding for calendar year 2019.
PTAC subcommittees- OIA request
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to john luke on .
Kia ora John
Please find attached to this email a response to your OIA request
2020-21-015 dated 14 July 2020.
Ngā mihi
Melody W...
Discontinuation of Phenelzine Sulphare
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Megs on .
Dear Megs
Attached is PHARMAC's response to your recent information request.
Kind regards
PHARMAC | Te Pātaka Whaioranga | PO Box 10 254 | Level 9,...
Rationale for defunding of Androderm 2.5mg Patches
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Scout Barbour-Evans on .
Hello Scout
Androderm 2.5mg patches were delisted from the Pharmaceutical Schedule from 1 March 2018.
In October 2016, the manufacturers proposed del...
Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC)
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to john luke on .
Good afternoon John
Please find attached PHARMAC's response to your recent request for information about CAC membership.
Kind regards, Susan
Shortage of Phenelzine sulphate
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Megs on .
Dear Megs
Please find attached a letter and related documents related to your request for information about phenelzine supply.
Kind regards
Simon E...
Supporting/supplementary documentation to the 1 & 2 November 2018 PTAC minutes on funding of Whole Thyroid Extract and Liothyronine
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Belinda Hodson on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning Belinda
Please find attached PHARMAC's response to your recent request for information about the funding of Whole Thyroid Extract and Lio...
Citation list for PHARMAC funded thyroid medications and patient survey data
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Belinda Hodson on .
Partially successful.
Dear Belinda
Please find attached further correspondence in relation to your request for information about thyroid medications (OIA reference 2019-20-...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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