Ministry of Health

A top 10 most requested agency and A ministry

1743 requests

(page 8)

Informed Consent
Response by Ministry of Health to Virginia Crawford on .
Kia ora   Please find attached a letter regarding your requests for information. Please note that the Ministry of Health has combined two of your...
Purchase of test kits in 2017
Response by Ministry of Health to Virginia Crawford on .
Kia ora Virginia Thanks for your email, the Ministry is of the perspective that there is no other agency, organization or Minister subject to the Act...
Olfactory injury from covid testing
Request to Ministry of Health by Brian Sandle. Annotated by Brian Sandle on .
Information not held.
I have received the following from ACC through URL:
Correspondence with Sam Morgan
Response by Ministry of Health to George Morrison on .
Kia ora George Morrison As noted in the Ombudsman guide for making official information requests (
Kia ora,   Please find attached a response to your official information act request.   Ngā mihi OIA Services Government Services Office of...
Dear M. R. M. Unfortunately the information you have provided does not constitute proof to satisfy the Ministry of your eligibility under Section 12...
Kia ora T. Benseman   Please find attached the response to your request for official information.   Nga mihi,   Caitlin Finnegan-Ramanui...
Kia ora Dr McGuinness Please find attached a letter regarding your request for official information. Ngā mihi OIA Services Government Services...
Ethnicity of deceased attributed to Covid-19
Response by Ministry of Health to H Campbell on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Please find attached a letter regarding the Ministry of Health's revised response to your request for official information. Ngā mihi OIA...
Ministry funding of Private company health Apps / Etherapy.
Response by Ministry of Health to Mr M P Ross on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Thank you for your request for official information. The Ministry's reference number for your request is: H202002287. As required under t...
Dear Lee, I can confirm that the Ministry of Health conducted no such outreach to the DHBs. Kind regards, OIA Services Government Services Office...
Kia ora D J Blair Thank you for your two requests for information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act) to the Ministry of Health (the M...
Kia ora DJ Blair Thank you for your request for official information on 5 August 2020 for: "What number of the deceased attributed to covid-19 (to...
CovidCard Technical Specifications
Request to Ministry of Health by F. Greig. Annotated by Andrew Chen on .
The Proactive Release (2 October 2020) did not contain many of the details requested by the requester, so I will follow-up to request the Hardware Spec...
Kia ora Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information. Ngā mihi OIA Services Government Services Office of the Director-...
Covid-19 testing of asymptomatic people in South & West Auckland
Response by Ministry of Health to Matthew Hooton on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Matthew Please find attached the Ministry's response to your request for official information. Kind regards OIA Services Government Ser...
Evidence of efficacy of mask usage for Covid-19
Request to Ministry of Health by Paul Roberts. Annotated by darren sharpe on .
Your notes on my query duly noted thanks... also of note is that the PM is now posing with no physical distance and no mask for photo opportunities wi...
Hi Your request has been passed on to me to respond to directly. Cancer registration data becomes provisionally available around 6 months after th...
results of waste water testing to determine presence of Covid 19
Response by Ministry of Health to darren sharpe on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Darren Thank you for your request for official information on 18 August 2020 for: "results of waste water testing to determine presence of...
Kia ora Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information. Ngā mihi OIA Services Government Services Office of the Director-...
111 Ambulance Transcript
Response by Ministry of Health to Hayley Wakefield on .
Kia ora Hayley Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information. Ngā mihi OIA Services Government Services Office of the Di...
Coronavirus outbreak
Response by Ministry of Health to BAW Russell on .
Information not held.
Kia ora BAW Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information. Ngā mihi OIA Services Government Services Office of the Direc...
Excess deaths
Response by Ministry of Health to Ryan Potts on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Ryan Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information. Ngā mihi OIA Services Government Services Office of the Dire...
Kia ora Michael Thank you for your email. The Ministry's reasoning for making the statement that existing research on the possible health effects...
Sound effect of the Covid-19 ads
Response by Ministry of Health to Hayden Marsh on .
[UNCLASSIFIED]   Kia ora Hayden   Please see the attached letter regarding your recent OIA request.   Ngā mihi   Ministerial Coordinato...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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