(page 8)
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Dear Mr Dickson
Please see attached your OIA Response 1079395
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW...
Appointment of statutory manager at St Joseph's Primary School, Invercargill
Response by Ministry of Education to Tim Newman on .
Partially successful.
Dear Tim
Please see attached your OIA Response 1075559
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 Bo...
Pay band and amount for Graduate and Assistant Analysts, Advisors/Advisers
Response by Ministry of Education to Joe on .
Please find attached the response your OIA request dated 18 February 2018.
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education...
West Spreydon School enrolment scheme
Response by Ministry of Education to Jed Laundry on .
Dear Jed
Please see attached your OIA response 1112453
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 Bo...
The third and final "Jenkins report" on charter schools
Response by Ministry of Education to J. Wilson on .
Dear J Wilson
Please see attached your OIA response 1117563
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW...
Dear Mandy Lee
Please see attached your response regarding your request below
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 Bowen...
All documents related to functional literacy rates
Response by Ministry of Education to Mitchell Palmer on .
Partially successful.
Hi Mitchell
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your request,
The links to the information referred to in the response letter a...
Educational Institutions in Canterbury
Response by Ministry of Education to Yvonne Smith on .
Dear Ms Smith
Please see attached your OIA Response 976593
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education ^TW
45-47 Pipitea...
Guidance provided to transport networks around eligibility exceptions
Response by Ministry of Education to Tony Meyer on .
Please find attached the response to your OIA request received on the
13^th of November 2017.
Enquiries National Team | Mi...
Suspensions and expulsions in Wairarapa secondary schools last five years
Response by Ministry of Education to Jake Beleski on .
Partially successful.
Dear Jake
Please see attached your OIA Response 1049924
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 B...
Information on proposed relocation of a Kura Kaupapa to Bennett Road, Waipatu, Hastings
Response by Ministry of Education to P Lander on .
Partially successful.
Dear Dr Lander
Please see attached your OIA Response 1088421
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education |...
Copy of advice received regarding 'WannaCry'
Response by Ministry of Education to Tony Meyer on .
Dear Tony
Please see attached your OIA Response 1062660
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 Bowen...
Number of complaints made by Early Childhood Teachers 2009 - 2015
Response by Ministry of Education to Susan Bates on .
Dear Susan
Please find attached your OIA Response 985573
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education ^TW
45-47 Pipit...
Income and expenditure data (FIDS) for New Zealand schools
Follow up sent to Ministry of Education by Andrew Tipton on .
Thank you for your response to my OIA request. I am pleased that you have released the information that I have requested.
I will contact you dire...
Recapitation of Onerahi Primary School
Response by Ministry of Education to Hayden Read on .
Hi Hayden
Please see attached your OIA Response 1074829
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
33 B...
Appointment process of Grant Schofield, Chief Education Health and Nutrition Advisor
Response by Ministry of Education to Helen Gibbs on .
Partially successful.
Dear Ms Gibbs
Please see attached your OIA Extension letter 1057818
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education |...
Policies relating to the handling of OIA requests
Follow up sent to Ministry of Education by Ben on .
Thanks very much for your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Sale of House by Rangiora High School
Response by Ministry of Education to Pamela Absolum on .
[1]>> FOR EN $82862...
[2]>> FOR RU $2524...
Visible links
1. https://goo.gl/X5Ps2w
2. https://goo.gl/ERc8Ki
Cloud assessment of Atlassian Confluence Cloud
Response by Ministry of Education to Shane Gibson on .
Please find attached the response to your email dated 3 May 2017.
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education ^...
Serious Fraud Office investigation Taratahi
Partially successful.
Were you aware that TEC had released their audit report on Taratahi?
Request for information on school drop off zone
Response by Ministry of Education to Leon Davis on .
Partially successful.
Dear Leon
I apologise you didn't get your attachment
Please see attached now
Many thanks
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
Request for Risk Assessment for Asbestos removal
Response by Ministry of Education to Leon Davis on .
Partially successful.
Dear Leon
I apologise you didn't get your attachment
Please see attached now
Many thanks
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education | TW
Copy of old Code of Practice (international students) policies
Response by Ministry of Education to PT Nikula on .
Dear PT Nikula
Thank you for your email of 30 March 2017 requesting the following information:
a) 1996 voluntary Code of practice for the recruitmen...
Qualifications for a Commissioner
Response by Ministry of Education to Pamela Absolum on .
Dear Pamela
Please find attached a response to your email of 3 March 2017.
Kind regards
Enquiries National Team | Ministry of Education ^GL
33 Bowen...
All information held on the Auckland Grammar School hostel.
Response by Ministry of Education to Mitchell Palmer on .
Thank you for your email to the Ministry of Education.
This is an auto generated response confirming your email has been received. Please do not respon...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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