Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment

A top 10 most requested agency and A ministry, also called MBIE

MBIE includes many business units and functions, including:
Immigration NZ;
New Zealand Space Agency;
Tenancy Services;
Greater Christchurch Claims Resolution Service.
Important: requests related to personal immigration matters should be directed to MBIE directly or via Immigration NZ to protect your privacy.

1555 requests

(page 11)

Procurement of Ministerial Fleet Cars
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to John Smith on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon John Smith   Ministerial and Secretariat Services are undertaking a process to proactively release our OIA responses where appropri...
Summary of MIQ room allocation plans
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to sjohnson on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon,   Please see attached a response to your 7 August 2021 Official Information Act request to the Ministry of Business, Innovation an...
Dear Wilson Please find attached response to your information request Sincerely, Margee Do Senior Advisor Business Management, Immigration New Zea...
Kia ora Sorry as per my email on 19 July 2021, this OIA has been closed as we did not hear from you within the timeframe specified in my initial email...
Hi Niki Your request is being processed. We will respond to you in due course Sincerely, Margee Do Senior Advisor Business Management, Immigration...
SMC allocation
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to A Singh on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora A Singh,   Thank you for your email of 1 July 2019 requesting the following information under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA):  ...
Kia ora,   On 21 July 2021, we wrote to you about you information request, and asked if you can provide the Ministry with proof of eligibility und...
Dear George Doczi,   Please find attached the response to your Official Information Request of 7 July 2021.   Kind regards   Ministerial S...
Research held on weight issues Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Joanna   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) request sent to us on 29 June 2021   Ngā mihi,...
Dear Chantha Information in response to your request is publicly available at: Therefore, your...
Dear Caitlin, In response to your official information request on 1 July 2021 relating to the Skilled Migrant Category second person check/quality c...
Changing to open Work Visa
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Vivek on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi there,   Just following on from my previous email, please provide a response with evidence by the corrected date of 03 August 2021.   Kind...
Re SMC applications
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Gagan on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Gagan,   Please find attached INZ’s response to your OIA request, reference: DOIA 2122-0025.     Kind Regards, Lautalie Leausa Vaa S...
Dear Phil Xu,   Please find attached INZ’s response to your OIA request, reference: DOIA 2122-0064.     Kind Regards, Lautalie Leausa Vaa...
I am wishing to obtain copies of all submissions (excluding submissions from individuals) received by the Overview Group on The Weathertightness of...
Current position of the SMC queue Awaiting classification.
Dear Matthew There is publicly available information that will respond to your request below.
Dear Dahya   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act 1982 request.   Kind regards Ministry of Business, Innovation...
Restart EOI selection
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Neco Yang on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia Ora Neco We have asked for you to provide an identification under section 12 of the Act on or before Friday 2 July 2021. As we have not receive yo...
Dear Christopher McPhee Please see attached the response to your recent request for information. Ngā mihi Anna McLachlan (she/her) SENIOR BUSINESS...
Non-Priority smc application Awaiting classification.
Dear Raman,   Thank you for your below email of 12 June 2021 requesting information under the Official Information Act 1982 (The OIA).   The i...
Dear Parmod Kumar,   Please find attached is INZ’s response to your OIA request, reference: DOIA 2021-2475.   Kind Regards, Lautalie Leausa...
Partner of a New Zealander Work Visa Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Linda,   Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act (OIA) request   Ngā mihi, Faanimo Tagaloa (Nimo) BUSINESS...
Dear Leon   Please see attached for MBIE’s Official Information Act request.   Kind regards, Lisa   Lisa Seng (she/her) Project Co-ordin...
Dear Z Feng,   We have received your request below under the Official Information Act (OIA) which I will be responding to as general correspondenc...
Employment Contracts
Response by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment to Christian on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Christian   Please find attached the response to your request for official information regarding employment contracts, which was received...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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