Massey University

A public authority

101 requests

(page 3)

Honourary Doctorate granted to spouse of dictator
Response by Massey University to John on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora John,   Please find attached a response to your recent OIA request.   Kindest regards, Christabelle   Christabelle Marshall Off...
Good afternoon,   Please find attached to this email a response to your request for information.   Kind regards   Jodie Banner  |  Directo...
Kia ora V. K. Raj,   Please find attached a response to your recent OIA request.   Kind regards, Christabelle   Christabelle Marshall O...
Kia ora   If your enquiry is student related, please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of birth, current a...
BVSc Admissions 2021
Response by Massey University to Sarah S on .
Good Afternoon Sarah Thank you for your request for official information, received on 18/07/2021. In response to the following: Please provide t...
Tēnā koe Sarah,   Please find attached to this email a response to your recent OIA request.   Kind regards Jodie Banner   Director Govern...
BVSc Admissions 2020
Response by Massey University to Mike Hunt on .
Dear Mike,   Please find attached to this email a response to your recent OIA request.   Kind regards, Jodie Banner   Director Governance...
Steve Ellers
Response by Massey University to A. W. Farmer on .
Information not held.
Dear A.W. Farmer, I am responding on behalf of the University to your recent OIA request, noting you have asked for:  1. Any internal communicatio...
Kia ora Justine Thank you for your email regarding furthering your study. Sorry for the delay in responding. We would suggest discussing these deta...
Friend of Massey oia act
Response by Massey University to john luke on .
Good Morning John   Thank you for your request for official information, received on 31/03/2021.   In response to the following: How many Fr...
If you can't read this email, [1]click here. [2]MORE4 (3) - 500 Dear researcher,   We recently invited you to participate in a survey on the mob...
List and contents of MOU's with PRC universities
Response by Massey University to K H Ross on .
Awaiting classification.
 Dear K H Ross,   Apologies for the delay, please find attached a response to your recent OIA request.   Kind regards Jodie Banner   15 F...
Kia ora Morteza,   I can confirm that no (zero) PhD candidates at Massey University received an outright failure (no degree awarded) as the outcom...
Dear K H Ross,   Please find attached to this email a response to your recent OIA request.   Kind regards, Jodie Banner   Director Govern...
Kia ora Donald,   Firstly please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your OIA request. It appears this was not forwarded to...
AEC applications from 2017 and 2018
Response by Massey University to Tara Jackson on .
Kia ora Tara,   Please find attached a response to your recent OIA request.   Regards,   Jodie Banner Director Governance and Assurance...
Parking spaces and waiting lists
Response by Massey University to Christine Elers on .
Dear Christine   Reference number for your request is: 43/2020 Thank you for your request for official information, received by Massey University...
Dear John Luke,   Massey University qualifications that TEC have determined to be eligible for by the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund ar...
Wildbase Pathology - Kiwi exposed to poisons from bait stations
Response by Massey University to Claire Ogilwy on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Claire,   Please find attached a response to your recent OIA request.   Kind regards, Jodie Banner     6 July 2020 Claire Ogilwy...
Kia ora Donald, Please find attached a further response to your enquiry. Kind regards, Jodie Banner 23 April 2020 Donald Frederick Via email: [FOI...
Kia ora John,   Further to my email below I am writing to provide a response to your recent OIA request. I apologise for the delay in getting this...
Kia ora Pelasa   Thanks for getting in touch about this issue – we value feedback from our community and being alerted to issues as they might ari...
Cost of India visit
Follow up sent to Massey University by Peter Nielson on .
Partially successful.
Many thanks for your response, I appreciate the released information. I am interested in the MoU, however. Will Massey release a version to me wit...
Response by Massey University to john luke on .
Good Afternoon Luke   Thank you for your request for official information, received on 18^th November.    In response to this part of your req...
All correspondence relating to paid car parking in Albany
Response by Massey University to William P on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora William Thank you for getting in touch with us. If you do have any requests in future, please email your request to [1][email address].  S...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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