Massey University

A public authority

95 requests

(page 4)

Thompson & Clark
Response by Massey University to Alex Harris on .
Dear Alex, I am responding on behalf of the University to your request for Official Information. I can confirm that during the period 2014-2018, the...
Remuneration for Members of the University Council
Request to Massey University by T. Kendrew. Annotated by T. Kendrew on .
Partially successful.
The Council Papers referred to are available here (see C18/08 March, Part I, Appendix A, on pp.43-44):
International student doctoral completion rates
Response by Massey University to Sarah Allison on .
Long overdue.
Thank you for contacting Massey University. For student enquiries please ensure that you have provided your student ID (if known), full name, date of...
Graduation process
Response by Massey University to E.F Lalau on .
Awaiting classification.
 Dear E.F. LaLau, Please find attached to this email a response to your OIA request. Kind regards, Jodie Banner  |  Director Risk and Assurance...
Hello John,   Thank you for your email.   This event has been organised by Massey’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and is being he...
List of websites blocked by Massey University
Request to Massey University by Cody C. Annotated by Luke C on .
They interpreted your request as a list of categories.
Dear John Luke,   The information you seek is detailed in Massey University’s Strategic Individual (non-employment) Relationships Policy and Proce...
STAT-F Scores
Response by Massey University to Dave Body on .
Partially successful.
Hi Dave, Apologies for the delay in coming back to you. I made further enquiries with the relevant person in IVABS about the scores, but it is quite t...
Dear James   Please find attached a response from Fiona McMorran, Employment Relations Manager, to your request for information.   Regards, La...
Funding received from tobacco industry.
Response by Massey University to David Johnston on .
Dear Mr Johnston, Please find attached to this email a response to your request for official information. Kind regards, Jodie Banner  |  Director Ri...
Map of gender neutral bathrooms on campus
Response by Massey University to Soul on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Soul,   Thank you for your enquiry. The University does not currently have maps which identify the location and/or type of toilet facilities...
Defence research at Massey University
Response by Massey University to Wojtek Krzyzosiak on .
Information not held.
Dear Wojtek,   I am responding on behalf of the University to your request for information received on the 14^th September 2016. I advise that the...
Dear Mr Benseman, I have made enquiries internally with the department most likely to fit within the scope of your request, noting that Massey has app...
Minority Admissions to Veterinary Degrees
Response by Massey University to Dave Body on .
Dear Dave,   I am responding on behalf of the University to your information request, received on the 13 September 2016. The information you have...
Dear Tim,   The request for information you made on the 29 July is the same as the request for information you made to the University on the 20^th...
Veterinarian retention, mental illness, suicide, oversupply
Response by Massey University to James Wilson on .
Partially successful.
Dear Dr Wilson,   Please find attached to this email a response to your information request.   Kind regards,   Jodie Banner  |  Director Ri...
Assessments in Te Reo Maori
Response by Massey University to Liam on .
Dear Mr Stoneley,   Please find attached to this email a response to your information request.   Kind regards,     Jodie Banner  |  Direc...
Information relating to the Universities canning policy
Response by Massey University to Mr Mercer on .
Partially successful.
Dear Andrew   Please find attached to this email Massey University’s response to your information request.   Kind regards,   Jodie Banner ...
Funding for public transport concessions
Response by Massey University to Daniel Farrell on .
Partially successful.
Dear Daniel   Further to my emails dated 27^th May 2015, and 3^rd June 2015, I am responding formally on behalf of the University to your email da...
For attention of Dave Lane   I am responding on behalf of Massey University to your request dated 28^th November 2014 for information under the Of...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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