Fire and Emergency New Zealand
A public authority, also called FENZ
Replaced the New Zealand Fire Service Commission from 1 July 2017.
594 requests
(page 10)
- all requests
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- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Number of callouts for unexplained deaths
Follow up sent to Fire and Emergency New Zealand by P Taylor on .
Information not held.
Thank you for your timely reply to my OIA request. I appreciate the information you have given.
Yours sincerely,
P Taylor
Kia ora
Please find attached our response to your request.
Ngā Mihi
Information Requests Team
National Headquarters, Level 12,...
Independent review into the NZ Fire Service, 1994
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Brendon Mills on .
Good afternoon Brendon,
Please see attached, a response to your request for information. Please
let us know if you have any issue downloading th...
Numbers of workers leaving FENZ
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Mark MacDonald on .
Kia ora Mark
Attached is a response to the remainder of request for information.
Ngā mihi
Information Requests Team
National Headq...
FENZ Board and UFBA Board joint meeting
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Mark MacDonald on .
Good morning,
Please see attached, a response to your information request.
Kind regards,
Complaints against Senior Management
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to [User 34240 name redacted] on .
Withdrawn by the requester.
Kia ora,
Thank you for your email confirming your request has been withdrawn.
Kind regards,
Correspondence with NZP regarding strike action
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to L Simpson on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon,
Please see attached, a response to your information request.
Kind regards,
Progress with FENZ Projects
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Mark Montgomery on .
Awaiting classification.
Good morning Mark
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Kind regards,
Information Requests Team...
Incident Report F3575155
Follow up sent to Fire and Emergency New Zealand by Harwood Wilson on .
Long overdue.
I have not received a acknowledgement of this request yet.
Please provide a response asap.
Yours faithfully,
Harwood Wilson
Kia ora
Please find attached our response to your request.
Ngā Mihi
Information Requests Team
National Headquarters, Level 12,...
Board of Fire and Emergency New Zealand
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to john luke on .
Tēnā koe John,
Further to our letter of 25 August 2022 please see attached the final
tranch of minutes.
Please note some information has b...
Age, mileage and engine hours for FENZ fleet
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to C Morton on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora
Thank you for your email advising you do not wish to accept the charges we have estimated.
Accordingly, it is necessary to formally decline y...
Wakari Rural Fire Station
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Hayden Marsh on .
Good afternoon Hayden
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Kind regards,
Information Requests Te...
Incident Report and Costings for Waiharara Scrub Fire
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Mike Hunua on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora
Please find attached our response to your request.
Ngā Mihi
Information Requests Team
National Headquarters, Level 12,...
Please could you provide information in relation to the following incident: F3549891
Yours faithfully,
john homer
Chiefs as decision makers on BCO complaints
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Mark MacDonald on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Mark
Attached is a response to your official information request.
Ngā mihi
Information Requests Team
National Headquarters,...
Call out Statistics 2019 to 2021 including types of fire, injuries, fatalities, causes
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Chandula on .
Awaiting classification.
Good Morning,
Please see attached a response to your request for information.
Kind Regards
Information Requests Team
National H...
Sex Abuse in Fire and Emergency
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to S Hill on .
Good afternoon
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Kind regards,
Information Requests Team
Homes Lost or Destroyed
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Kia ora
Please find attached our response to your request.
Ngā Mihi
Information Requests Team
National Headquarters, Level 12,...
Ashburton Appliance Burnover
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Kia ora
Please find attached our response to your request.
Ngā Mihi
Information Requests Team
National Headquarters, Level 12,...
List of Mechanical Service Providers
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Hayden Marsh on .
Kia ora
Please find attached our response to your request.
Ngā Mihi
Information Requests Team
National Headquarters, Level 12,...
Kia ora Alan
Attached is a response to your official information request.
Ngā mihi
Information Requests Team
National Headquarters,...
Information about a Station and the Trucks Stored at said Station
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Hayden Marsh on .
Kia ora Hayden
Attached is a response to your official information request.
Ngā mihi
Information Requests Team
National Headquarters, Level...
Group Manager positions
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to A Whittle on .
Partially successful.
Good morning
Please find attached a response to your Official Information Act request.
Kind regards,
Information Requests Team
Portfolio Prioritisation
Response by Fire and Emergency New Zealand to Alan Thompson on .
Kia ora
Please find attached our response to your request.
Ngā Mihi
Information Requests Team
National Headquarters, Level 12,...
Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?
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