Environmental Protection Authority

A public authority, also called EPA

55 requests
Tēnā koe John,     Please find attached our response to your OIA request.    Ngā mihi,  Gianni-Rose Farrant Official Correspondence Advisor ...
Proceeds from the ETS
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Adam Irish on .
Kia ora Adam,   The clarification of the scope of your request on 24 April resulted in an adjusted due date (23 May.)   Attached is the Minist...
Messenger ribonucleic acid is developed in vitro and this is in the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996: genetically modified organism m...
Kia ora J Bruning Please find attached our response to your recent OIA request. Ngā mihi Darryl Darryl Ward  Senior Advisor, Official Corresp...
Cost of PG
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Jean Roberts on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Jean,     Please find attached our response to your OIA request.  Ngā mihi,  Gianni-Rose Farrant Official Correspondence Advisor ...
Kia ora John Please find a response to your OIA request attached. Ngā mihi, Kaia Kento (she/her) Official Correspondence Advisor +6444957450  Follo...
Staff turnover Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Al on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Al, Please find attached our response to your OIA request dated 3 May. Kind regards Fiona Fiona O’Brien (she/her) Official Correspondence Advi...
Minutes of Board Meetings
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to John on .
Partially successful.
Dear John   Thank you for your email.   We have provided you with all information held by the EPA that is in scope of your request, subject to...
2023 board appointments OIA
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to john luke on .
Good afternoon John Thank you for your Official Information Act request (below). The Environmental Protection Authority do not hold the information yo...
Good afternoon Please find attached a response to your request.   Kind regards,   Lisa MacKenzie (she/her) Official Correspondence Advisor,...
Good morning Please find attached a response to your enquiry. Kind regards, Lisa MacKenzie (she/her) Official Correspondence Advisor, Government Engag...
Hello [FYI request #12677 email], Thank you for your email. We have received your message and it is being handled by one of our agents. Please expect...
Dear David Please find attached a response to your request from Dr Christopher Hill, General Manager, Hazardous Substances and New Organisms. Kind r...
Tēnā koe Troy   On behalf of Peter Thomson, Director Plant & Animal Health, please find attached the response to your Official Information Act req...
Hello [FYI request #12577 email], Thank you for your email. We have received your message and it is being handled by one of our agents. Please expect...
Dear Wendy   Thank you for your Official Information Act request. Please find attached our response. Kind regards     Darryl Ward Senio...
Hello [FYI request #12626 email], Thank you for your email. We have received your message and it is being handled by one of our agents. Please expect...
Good afternoon Joanne Please find attached a response from Dr Chris Hill, General Manager, Hazardous Substances and New Organisms. Kind regards Rut...
Hello [FYI request #13345 email], Thank you for your email. We have received your message and it is being handled by one of our agents. Please expect...
Non-compliance with consultation requirements
Response by Environmental Protection Authority to Wendy Pond on .
Partially successful.
Dear Wendy, Thank you very much for your Official Information Request. We will respond in the legislated timeframe. Kind regards, Saioa Polin Offici...
    Good morning Wendy, please find attached the EPA’s response to your request.   Best wishes     [1]cid:image001.png@01D34CD3.7561CAF0...
1080 Poison in honey.
Request to Environmental Protection Authority by T. Benseman. Annotated by T. Benseman on .
Partially successful.
Yeah I have read that, it says if you see green dye in your hives you should contact MPI to test for poison.??? Wow. Most beekeepers don't even check,...
Dear Sue,   Please, find attached the response to your Official Information request.   Kind regards,   Saioa Polin Official Correspondenc...
Dear David,   Please find attached the response to your Official Information request.   Kind regards,   Saioa Polin Official Corresponden...
Dear Kathy,   Please find attached a response to your enquiry.   Kind regards,   Saioa Polin Official Correspondence Advisor +64 4 474...

Only requests made using FYI are shown. ?


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