This person's 36 Official Information requests (page 2)
Stephen Bell's advice to council on Waitakere Ranges closure.
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Tom
This is about our response to your request about the closure of the
Waitākere Ranges. I am sorry to hear that the link in our attac...
Waitakere Ranges Regional Park track closures
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora Tom
Our response to your request for information about the track upgrade
budget is attached.
If you have further questions, please contac...
I note the regional track upgrade budget for 2019/20 is $6,513,000. How many kilometres of track is budgeted to be upgraded?
The regional park trac...
Report on kauri dieback compiled by TheNavigators
Response by Ministry for Primary Industries to t Austen on .
Kia ora T. Austen,
On behalf of Sam Leske, Acting Director, Readiness and Response Services,
please find enclosed the response to your official...
Who are the key external stakeholders referred to at the April 2019 Waitakere Ranges Local Board meeting
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Kia ora Tom
Our response to your recent requests about kauri dieback and the Waitākere
Ranges is attached. This response includes the informatio...
Kia ora Tom
Our response to your recent requests about kauri dieback and the Waitākere
Ranges is attached. This response Includes the informatio...
Parks department track upgrade budget for 2018/19 financial year
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Partially successful.
Dear T Austen,
Thank you for your request for information about track upgrade budget.
I have attached an information sheet on our processes and req...
Total cost of closing the Waitakere Ranges regional park
Response by Auckland Council to t Austen on .
Kia ora Tom
It was nice to talk with you today. Please find attached our response to
your request number - 8140004405 in which you asked for -
Dear T. Austen -
Please find attached the Department’s response to your official
information request dated 19 April 2019.
Dear T. Austin
Please find attached an amended letter.
Thank you for your query regarding the distance of track network closed as
you cor...
Good afternoon
Please find attached the response to your OIA request dated 24 January
Leigh Romanos
PA to Hi...