Requests similar to 'Seeking evidence of students being pulled out of math, english and science class to attend Te Reo lessons'

Correspondence regarding Government Bills
Response by David Seymour to Micahel Riconosciuto on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Michael   I refer to your information request of 19 November 2024.   Your request is likely to capture a significant amount of information...
World Economic Forum
Response by David Seymour to S Hill on .
Dear Sam   Please find attached letter from Hon David Seymour in response to your OIA request dated 19 January 2024.   Kind regards, Annette...
Meeting with agencies
Response by David Seymour to T Murray on .
Dear T Murray   Please find attached letter from Hon David Seymour in response to your OIA request dated 18 December.   Kind regards, Annette...
Official Information Request Regarding the Treaty Principles Bill
Response by David Seymour to Naomi Priestly on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Naomi   I refer to your information request.  I advise that the response is coming but as we are still looking into it, we won’t be able to r...
Dear Rhiannon   I refer to your information request.  I advise that the response is coming but as we are still looking into it, we won’t be able t...
Dear Gus   Further to my acknowledgment below, please find attached letter from Hon David Seymour regarding your OIA request dated 9 February 2024...
Statsitics on feedback for new school lunch program
Response by David Seymour to H. Chen on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear H Chen Thank you for your email in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows: “all statistics around correspondances...
Free Speech Union
Response by David Seymour to levi on .
Dear Levi   Further to my acknowledgment below;   On behalf of Hon David Seymour, your request is refused under section 18(e) of the OIA becau...
Cost and savings assessment on School Lunces program
Response by David Seymour to Miss W. Forest on .
Partially successful.
Dear Miss Forest   I refer to your OIA request of 26 October.  Our ref:  DSOIA312   Your request has been considered under the Official Infor...
Finance - RBNZ staffing levels
Response by David Seymour to R S Grant on .
Information not held.
Dear R S Grant   Further to my acknowledgment below, your OIA request falls within the portfolio responsibilities of the Minister of Finance, Hon...
Country Kindy
Response by David Seymour to Alice Trendall on .
Partially successful.
Hello Alice   Official Information Request Our Ref: DSOIA175   I refer to your official information request received on 11 July 2024 as foll...
Request for correspondence
Response by David Seymour to Te Rangikaiwhiria Kemara on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Te Rangikaiwhiria   Thank you for your email in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows:   I request copies of...
Crimes by Government Employees
Response by David Seymour to Canterbury Victim on .
Dear Jason   Please find attached letter from Hon David Seymour (Minister for Regulation) in response to your OIA request.   Kind regards,  ...
Evidence of positive feedback re Compass school lunches
Response by David Seymour to Simon O'Neill on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Simon Thank you for your email in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows: “A RNZ article dated 27 February 2025 q...
Dear John   Please find attached the response we attempted to send to you last Monday 4 November.  The email address you provided failed twice.  H...
New Ministry for Regulation
Response by David Seymour to Jacob on .
Dear Jacob   On behalf of Hon David Seymour thank you for your email in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows:  ...
Benefits of Charter Schools
Response by David Seymour to Micahel Riconosciuto on .
Dear Michael   I understand you have received a letter from the Ministry of Education that your OIA request has been transferred back to Hon David...
Draft of Treaty Principles Bill
Response by David Seymour to Corey on .
Information not held.
Dear C John F (Corey)   Please find attached letter from Hon David Seymour in response to your OIA request dated 7 February.   Kind regards, A...
Use of personal email accounts
Response by David Seymour to Carl Wiggin on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Carl   Thank you for your OIA request of 22 October 2024.   Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 (the...
Letter, email or oral statement in support of Tim Jago
Response by David Seymour to Catherine Vovna on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Catherine   Thank you for your OIA request of 20 February 2025.   Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982...
Correspondence with the Taxpayer's Union
Response by David Seymour to Anna Wilson on .
Information not held.
Dear Anna   Thank you for your email in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows:   I would like to request copies o...
Dear Kieran Thank you for your email in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows: “all correspondence you have received...
Dear M C Campbell Thank you for your email in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows: You are quoted in to...
School Lunch Waste
Response by David Seymour to Harwood Wilson on .
Awaiting response.
Dear Harwood   Thank you for your email in which you submitted an Official Information Act request as follows:   Please provide the following...
Dear Andrew   We refer to your request of 24 September 2024.   Mr Seymour made the statement in his capacity as the leader of the ACT Party, n...