Requests similar to 'Medicinal Cannabis Agency - Information regarding medicinal cannabis prescriptions'
Information regarding medicinal cannabis prescriptions
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Mr McDonald on .
Information not held.
Kia ora Mr McDonald,
Please find a response to your request attached to this email.
Kind regards,
Gendi McFadyen| Government Services Advisor
Te Pāt...
Information regarding medicinal cannabis prescriptions
Request sent to Health New Zealand by Mr McDonald on .
Long overdue.
Information regarding medicinal cannabis prescriptions
Q. How many patients have been prescribed medicinal cannabis since the start of the legal m...
Medicinal cannabis products recalls
Response by Ministry of Health to M WOODWARD on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora M Woodward,
Please find attached our response to your official information request.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services Team
Medicinal Cannabis
Response by Accident Compensation Corporation to Anthony Jordan on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Anthony,
Please find attached our response to your official information request
dated 21 May 2023. If you have any questions about the resp...
Number and status of medicinal cannabis product approvals
Response by Ministry of Health to B. Haddock on .
Kia ora B Haddock
Please find attached the response to your request for official
Nga mihi,
Caitlin Finnegan-Ramanui
CBD prescription summary
Response by Ministry of Health to Treat you better Limited on .
Partially successful.
Kia ora
Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information.
Ngâ mihi
OIA Services
Government Services
Office of the Direc...
Disability Allowance and Medicinal Cannabis Products
Request sent to Ministry of Social Development by Mr de Brouwer on .
Partially successful.
For the purposes of this information request when I mention 'MSD' I mean MSD, it's Staff, it's Case Managers, it's Regional Health Advisors or anyon...
Guidelines for medicinal cannabis
Follow up sent to New Zealand Police by J A Harris on .
Partially successful.
Thank you for your response.
Can you please confirm:
- this is the most recent and in force version of this document
- there are no other doc...
Kia ora
Please find attached a letter regarding your request for official
information. If you wish to discuss any aspect of...
Request for Information Regarding Hospital Policies on Medication Use, Specifically Medical Cannabis
Response by Ministry of Health to Anthony-John van Duuren on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Anthony-John,
Thank you for your request for information regarding medicinal cannabis on
9 May 2024. Please find attached our response to...
Has Pharmac Ever Funded A Sativex Prescritpion?
Response by Pharmaceutical Management Agency to Gregory Soar on .
Dear Mr Soar,
Please find attached letter regarding your OIA request on 26 June 2015.
Kind regards
Alexis Poppelbaum
24 July 20...
Official Information Act Request – Funding, Distribution, and Legal Framework of Puberty Blockers
Response by Ministry of Health to Yasir Shaikh on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Yasir
Thank you for your request for information on 15 November 2024 regarding
puberty blockers.
Please find attached our response to...
number of approvals given to grow medicinal cannabis in NZ
Response by Ministry of Health to Steve Wells on .
Kia ora Steve Wells
Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services
Government Services
Office of t...
Omeprazole / PPI prescribing in children and young people
Response by Ministry of Health to Anna on .
Kia ora Anna,
Thank you for your request for information regarding Omeprazole / PPI
prescribing in children and young people on 22 March 2023. Pl...
Medical Cannabis and Security Clearance
Request sent to New Zealand Security Intelligence Service by Ben on .
Awaiting classification.
I am a New Zealand citizen.
Can you provide guidance or information for Security Clearance Vetting staff on how medical cannabis use affects secu...
Prescription charges from 1990 to 2023
Response by Ministry of Health to Brendon Mills on .
Kia ora koutou Brendon,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questio...
I am interested in understanding more about the general legislation/policies surrounding Cannabidiol (CBD) in NZ. In particular the following:
Importing cannabidiol e-cigarettes for personal use
Request sent to Ministry of Health by William Rea on .
Waiting clarification.
Under The Medicines Act and the SFEA, people can import nicotine-containing e-cigarette products for their own use only (up to a 3 months' supply)....
Kia ora Paul,
Please find attached the response for your request for official
Ngā mihi
OIA Services
Government and Executive...
School of Medicine OIA request for Formal training on CB1, CB2 receptors and effects.
Request sent to University of Auckland by Shane Le Brun on .
I would like to request information on what, if anything is
taught at Medical school on the Cannabinoid receptors, CB1, CB2,
and the effects of dr...
Medicine Faculty, Formal Training on CB1, CB2 receptors and effects.
Request sent to University of Otago by Shane Le Brun on .
Faculty of Medicine.
I would like to request information on how much, if anything is taught at medical school on the Cannabinoid receptors, CB1, CB2...
Alternative Medical Treatment
Response by Ministry of Social Development to Gregory Soar on .
Partially successful.
Tçnâ koe Gregory Soar,
Please find attached the Ministry’s response to your Official Information
Act request.
Ngâ mihi,...
Total of number of people having a prescription Subsidy Card
Response by Ministry of Health to Debbie leyland on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Debbie Leyland
Please find attached a letter regarding your request for information.
Ngā mihi
OIA Services
Government Services
Office o...
Kia ora Jai,
Thank you for your request for official information. The Ministry's
reference number for your request is: H202208334.
Puberty Blockers by Ethnicity
Response by Ministry of Health to Di Landy on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Dianne,
Thank you for your request for information. Please find attached our
response to your request.
If you have any questions, ple...