Requests similar to 'nomination service- follow up- OIA 44841'
Maori definition
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to A.j sheppard on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe
Please note a response forwarded to FYI on 19 October 2022.
Ngā mihi
Ministerial Services | Te Toko Minita
National Office
Te Pu...
Tēnā koe
This is to notify you that your request for information has now been
directed to Te Arawhiti the Office for Māori Crown Relations. The...
Kia Ora
Please find attached 47264 Request for information regarding all funding
provided to Te Matatini since 2017.
Ngā Mihi
Official Information Act Request - Funding for Te Reo Development
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to aminnz on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora
Please find attached OIA 47798.
Ngā Mihi
Information relating to Tekau Plus, Fomana and NZ Bio Forestry
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to Saber on .
Email 2 of 3
| Te Puni Kōkiri, Te Puni Kōkiri |
| House, 143 Lam...
Funding for development
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to Ben on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Travis
Please find attached the response to your information request.
Ngā mihi
Tēnā koe James
Please find attached the response to your information request.
Ngā mihi
Te Māori Manaaki Taonga Trust
Response by Ministry for Culture and Heritage to john luke on .
Tēnā koe John
Please find attached the response to your information request.
Ngā mihi
All times 'Whangārei' is mentioned in Cabinet papers from date beginning 26 October 2017
Response by Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet to Harry Peterson on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe
Please find attached the response to your information request.
Ngā mihi
Nomination service OIA ACT request
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to john luke on .
Tēnā koe John
Thank you for your request for information about nominations.
Your request is being considered in accordance with the Officia...
Native School Attendance (1800s-2000s)
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to Henry Tan on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Henry
Attached is our response to your requests for information dated 17
February 2023 and 23 February 2023.
Ngā mihi
Native School Attendance Numbers
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to Henry Tan on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Henry
Attached is our response to your requests for information dated 17
February 2023 and 23 February 2023.
Ngā mihi
Statistics on fraud at TPK
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to Alex Harris on .
Tēnā koe Alex,
Please find attached a response to your query regarding allegations of
fraud against TPK staff.
Ngā mihi
Whanau Ora supports some Maori - not all
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to S. Paurini on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Seann
Thank you for your request and subsequent message saying it has been
If there is anything you would still like f...
Review of New Zealand Health and Disability Sector
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to Martin Matenga on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Martin
Attached is our response to your request for information.
Ngā mihi
| Tau...
Tēnā koe John
Attached is our response to your below request.
Ngā mihi
Tēnā koe Rose
Please find attached the response to your information request.
Ngā mihi
Govt funds used in the kiwifruit sector
Response by Shane Jones to Timothy Cumming on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēna koe Tim
On 2 July 2019 you made an information request to Hon Shane Jones. Te Puni
Kōkiri has been asked to respond to part of the request....
Tēnā koe James
Please find attached the response to your information request.
Ngā mihi
Tēnā koe
Attached is our response to your below request for information.
Ngā mihi,
Funding to Te Tii Marae for Waitangi Celebrations
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to D Weir on .
Tēnā koe David
I apologise for the delay in responding to your request. We are still
undertaking the consultations necessary to finalise our res...
Inquiry regarding complaints about 2018 and 2021 Maori Council committee elections, and Matthew Tukaki
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to Katherine Raue on .
Partially successful.
Tēnā koe Katherine
Thank you for your below request for information.
This email is to advise you that we have transferred the following par...
Process for drafting section 81 reports
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to Delia Mason on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Delia
I am writing to you regarding your request for information (below)
relating to our Section 8i report dated 3 November 2023.
The land deed of western Springs
Response by Ministry of Māori Development to Antony Goodwin on .
Awaiting classification.
Tēnā koe Antony
Thank you for your below email requesting information concerning the land
deed of Western Springs Stadium.
We suggest you...
Tēnā koe John
Please find attached the response to your information request.
Ngā mihi
Ministerial Services | Te Toko Minita
National Office