Requests similar to 'PET CT Referral Suppliers'
PET CT referral suppliers
Response by Hawke's Bay District Health Board to Miriama Spicer on .
Awaiting classification.
Good afternoon Miriama,
Please find attached the response to your Official Information Act request
regarding PET CT and CT referrals.
PET CT Referral Suppliers
Response by Southern District Health Board to Miriama Spicer on .
Awaiting classification.
Hi Miriama
Apologies for the delay. Please find the response to your Official Information Act request attached.
Kind regards
Rachael McCallu...
PET CT Referral Suppliers
Response by MidCentral District Health Board to Miriama Spicer on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Miriama
Attached is a reply to your OIA request received 14 October 2021 from
Sarah Fenwick, Operations Executive Te Uru Mātai Matengau Cancer...
PET CT Referral Suppliers
Response by Nelson Marlborough District Health Board to Miriama Spicer on .
Awaiting classification.
Dear Miriama
Re: Official Information Act request – PET CT Referral Suppliers
The Nelson Marlborough District Health Board acknowledges receipt...
PET CT Referral Suppliers
Response by Whanganui District Health Board to Miriama Spicer on .
Awaiting classification.
The Whanganui District Health Board acknowledge your request and will
respond under the OIA within 20 working days
PET CT Referral Suppliers
Request sent to West Coast District Health Board by Miriama Spicer on .
Awaiting classification.
I have the following questions please:
1. Which PET CT suppliers do you use for your PET CT referrals?
2. How are the tenders for these referral...
pet CT Referral Suppliers
Request sent to Canterbury District Health Board by Miriama Spicer on .
Awaiting classification.
I have the following questions please:
1. Which PET CT suppliers do you use for your PET CT referrals?
2. How are the tenders for these referral...
PET CT Referral Suppliers
Request sent to Tairawhiti District Health Board by Miriama Spicer on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Tairawhiti District Health Board,
I have the following questions please:
1. Which PET CT suppliers do you use for your PET CT referrals?...
CT Referral Suppliers
Request sent to Hawke's Bay District Health Board by Miriama Spicer on .
Awaiting classification.
I have the following questions please:
1. Which CT suppliers do you use for your CT referrals?
2. How are the tenders for these referrals access...
DHB Treatment Protocols
Response by Ministry of Health to Michael Vaughan on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora
We are currently working on a response to your OIA request, however due to
associated time requirements for collating this information a...
Guidelines/procedure for investigating possible Colonic Motility Dysfunction/Defecatory Disorders/Anorectal Dysfunction
Response by Ministry of Health to Andrew McGregor on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Ruth
We are currently working on a response to your OIA request, however due to
associated time requirements for collating this informat...
Waikato hack - Datix Midland Integrated Quality and Risk system
Response by Tairawhiti District Health Board to Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended) on .
Long overdue.
Kia ora Amy,
Please see attached for Hauora Tairâwhiti’s response to your OIA request.
Nga manaakitanga,
Number of PET CT scans being referred
Response by Tairawhiti District Health Board to Sacha van den Berg on .
Kia ora Sacha
Please find attached, a response to your OIA request regarding PET scans
at Hauora Tairāwhiti.
Ngā mihi
Number of PET CT scans being referred
Response by West Coast District Health Board to Sacha van den Berg on .
Dear Sacha van den Berg,
Please see attached - our response to your requests was sent to you on Monday 5/7/2021 - this response covers both Canterbury...
Number of PET CT scans being referred
Response by Canterbury District Health Board to Sacha van den Berg on .
Dear Sacha van den Berg
Please find attached our response to your Official Information Act
requests CDHB 10613 and WCDHB 9559.
Kind regard...
Annual number and cost of PET CT scans in New Zealand
Response by Health New Zealand to Anna Engelbrecht on .
Awaiting classification.
Kia ora Anna
Thank you for your request for information on 26 February 2023. Please
find attached our response to your request.
If you have any qu...
Number of PET CT scans being referred
Request sent to Taranaki District Health Board by Sacha van den Berg on .
May I please request the following information in regards to PET CT scanning:
How many PET CT scans have been referred per year the past 3 years?...
Number of PET CT scans being referred
Response by Hawke's Bay District Health Board to Sacha van den Berg on .
Dear Sacha
Attached please find a response to your Official Information Act request re PET / CT scans.
Nāku noa, nā
Chris Lord
OIA Coordinator, Comm...
Number of PET CT scans being referred
Response by Nelson Marlborough District Health Board to Sacha van den Berg on .
Dear Sacha
Re: Official Information Act request – Number of PET CT scans referred
The Nelson Marlborough District Health Board acknowledges rec...
Number of PET CT scans being referred
Request sent to Whanganui District Health Board by Sacha van den Berg on .
May I please request the following information in regards to PET CT scanning:
How many PET CT scans have been referred per year the past 3 years?...
Number of PET CT scans being referred
Request sent to MidCentral District Health Board by Sacha van den Berg on .
May I please request the following information in regards to PET CT scanning:
How many PET CT scans have been referred per year the past 3 years?...
Number of PET CT scans being referred
Request sent to South Canterbury District Health Board by Sacha van den Berg on .
Information not held.
May I please request the following information in regards to PET CT scanning:
How many PET CT scans have been referred per year the past 3 years?...
Number of PET CT scans being referred
Request sent to Southern District Health Board by Sacha van den Berg on .
May I please request the following information in regards to PET CT scanning:
How many PET CT scans have been referred per year the past 3 years?...
Talking points/discussion re life preserving services
Response by Tairawhiti District Health Board to David Adamson on .
Partially successful.
Kia Ora,
Please see Hauora Tairâwhiti’s response to your OIA request.
Nga Manaakitanga,
Te A...
Consumers Rights & Physicians Obligations - Referrals and Inter-District Flow
Response by Ministry of Health to Amy S Van Wey Lovatt (Account suspended) on .
Partially successful.
Good Morning – Please find attached our response to your recent OIA
Jenny McLennan
Personal Assistant to